Club Penguin Memories Weekly Post Roundup – Week 48 Of 2012

By / November 25, 2012

Here is this week’s post roundup and news:


  • Within a week or so I will announce the beginning of my stamp meetups. Which one should we unlock together first?
  • I will be having a contest/giveaway this Friday, November 30th to kick off the 24 days of gifts starting December 1st. Details in a few days!
  • Have you seen the sneak peek of my new theme yet? Check it out here!
  • I’m always open to suggestion – how can I improve Club Penguin Memories? What should I add? Remove? Is there anything I should post that I don’t, or anything I shouldn’t post that I currently do? Let me know.


Club Penguin Updates & News:

Return For Chapter 4 Log Off Screen
Return For Chapter 5 Log Off Screen
Club Penguin Times Issue 370
Minor Club Penguin Updates
Aunt Arctic Is The Director
Chapter 5 Released and More
December 2012 Sneak Peek
November 2012 Parent Update
November 22, 2012 Herbert EPF Message
Cool in the Cold Ringtone

Club Penguin Web Updates:

Featured Fashions: November 19th
Meet Herbert On Breeze (Now Over)
Video: Meet Herbert
German and English Server Herbert Meetups
Meet Herbert On November 22
Meet Herbert On November 21
Herbert Meetup (now over)
Blog Post By Polo Field About Reviewed By You’s
Meet Herbert On November 23
Herbert Style
Dinosaur Party 2013 Confirmed By Spike Hike
Field Friday
Meet Herbert In Spanish Servers
Spike Saturday
Operation Blackout Beats Records
Featured Igloos: November 25


On This Day In Club Penguin History – November 19
Would You Change Your Club Penguin Username If You Could?
English Cool in the Cold Preview
On This Day In Club Penguin History – November 20
Anti Bullying Week
On This Day In Club Penguin History – November 21
Club Penguin Updating Reminder
Black Friday Deals
On This Day In Club Penguin History – November 22
On This Day In Club Penguin History – November 23
Awesome Things Coming To Club Penguin Memories
On This Day In Club Penguin History – November 24
Full Cool in the Cold Song
On This Day In Club Penguin History – November 25

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Naruto Hhiii

Naruto Hhiii

Great Train!
As always a good week for the website!



Thanks. :)



so what stamps will we get if we meet you



We’ll unlock ones that require groups of penguins to unlock it.



If possible, add a PST time widget, which will show the current time of CP…
Waddle on!

Naruto Hhiii

Naruto Hhiii

That’s not a bad idea!
This makes it easier for parties!



I’ll try to find a working one.

Wwe Vs Wwf

Wwe Vs Wwf

Do the get 10/30 people into your igloo. I need 1 more activity stamp and I need 30 people at my igloo! I also worked hard on my igloo so I hope to get 30 people in my igloo :)



Sometimes you just have to go out of the box, use your imagination to the highest level. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have ALL the items you want to have. All that matters is that you have the idea and courage to do something you desire or like.

~Pizza :)



Nice words man you sound like a club penguin poet!

The Igloo Party stamp – it’s the only activity one I need.



Hi Trainman
Could we please do the team SOCCER STAMP before CP changes the pitch over to the ice rink!
I thought I could get it this summer but there were never enough penguins in soccer uniforms together. I tried many hours of play on many servers.
My big brother says that should of been an easy one except now the penguins are younger and hang out to socialize instead of working to earn stamps.
If you could do this before the switch that would be swell!!!
Thx Trainman your blog & you rock!






The stamp meetup you should have first, in my opinion, is one for an igloo stamp.



Can we have a stamp meetup for the ten penguins in your igloo? Also, is there a way that non members can get this stamp? Can non members get this stamp too?



If a stamp has the member badge it means only members can get it. If it doesn’t then anyone, nonmembers included, can get it.



Anyone? Do you mean Anymore? =)



No, I mean anyone.



PLEASE do Tree Mob!



Hey trainman! I have many ideas for igloo meetups. some I did, some I didn’t. here are some ideas:

Play it loud
Berg drill
Ninja Meeting
Floor fliller
and many more! I’d also like a Penguin standard time widget too!



The tree mob stamp

Pj Monster 1

Pj Monster 1

Oh I got a great idea for a header image. Lime Green Penguin, Orange Lifejacket (2006) version, Green Toque, Green Sunglasses, Blue Lei. I hope this would make your site look better! :D



The ‘form a band at the lighthouse’ stamp would benefit me.