Club Penguin December 2012 Sneak Peek
On Club Penguin’s blog Polo Field has posted the following sneak peek for the December 2012 month on Club Penguin! It’s definitely mysterious. I have no idea what the first image on the left is, but the middle one seems like a special Holiday Party room, or maybe a new igloo. I think the one on the far right is the clothing catalogue with the Reindeer Costume.
What are your predictions?
The following page has been updated:
The third one… Reindeer Anntlers?
Here’s what I think:
The first one might be a bobsled
The second one might be a special party room (Something referring to crystal gems by the picture)
And the third one is a clothing catalogue.
I do agree
The one in the middle seems like….. SNOW DOJO! It is most likely a race or a journey to the final series of CARD JITZU!
Well not the final Journey, we’ve been hearing about Shadow Ninjas.
Nah. It looks like an ice palace.
It is an Ice Palace
Hopefully, i hope the snow dojo a long time, I’m very anxious
Do you guys not pay attention to Twitter? Card Jitsu-Snow isn’t coming this year.
1. Unknown Furniture Item? 2. Ice Palace??? 3. NEW Reindeer Costume??
What do you think, Trainman?
Nice predictions!
1st Pic – Snow and Sports Catalogue?
2nd Pic – Ice Palace?
3rd Pic – Updated Reindeer Costume?
Dont forget about card jitsu shadow.
That doesn’t exist
Yes It does everyone knows that ;P
Don’t know but would be cool
Happy Thanksgiving!
The first one is a bobsled ( maybe new sledrace vehicles or stuff)
I bet it’s like a christmas in summer. Well since Herbert wants it warm maybe cp is nice to him and we have a warm Christmas!! But either way as long as there is a catalog I’m good with it because I buy everything there is to buy right when a catalog comes out I just buy it all then decide what to wear.
I buy everything too. In future, i’ll be rare with all the items XD
Hey, me too!
Same here!
Me three!
Guess What Train? I Found The Other Code! For A Pirate Coat, It’s [REMOVED]! Hope I helped!
I don’t post magazine codes. Thanks anyway!
The 3rd one looks like Moose Antlers
The first one looks like the snow and sports catalog or a furniture item.
Just found some clones. They said I rocks. :P I don’t know why…
Looks like a bobsled, a snow/ice/crystal throne in a palace, and the awesome reindeer costume
The first looks like the Car costume redesigned to me…
Hmmmmm… Still Thinking…
Waddle on!
Cool! Happy Thanksgiving, too! :)
Same to you!
Well I think the first one is sled racing on Santa’s redecorated sled. I think the second one is either a new stage play or a new room or and redecorated room.The third one is the gift catalog. (I think.). P.s i cant think of a name :\
The first one is sled racing on santas sled the second one i think a new stage play or a redecorated room and the third is the catalog.
1. Hmm looks like a car or somthing? maybe a new CP room
2. A party room! :D
i hope im right and…
I think the 3rd picture on the right means that… Businessmoose Mascot sneak peek! What do you think, Trainman?
Possible but I think it’s unlikely.
do you think buisnesmoose will turn into a mascot? look at the third picture!
I doubt it.
Know what would be cool but tragic? Lol! If the snow made some buildings cave in, and then there is too much snow, and something to do with Card Jitsu Snow and Christmas being cancelled or something.
Maybe when it’s December the Snow Ninja will Come out and a new Background will come out
Umm number 1 is…. bumper car? number 2 is a cave full of jewels number 3 christmas costume!
Shouldn’t rockhopper be at the party this December,his last visit was about three months ago.
He will be!
I Met Herbert He’s A Little Bit Big From Penguins And He Has A Happy Face :)
propable coins for change again
Hey train man do you like pookies?
I have no preference.
Ok im gonna tell you my predictions but first of all snow dojo is coming next year and there are no shadow ninjas that black thing is to prove u have a black belt and beat sensei ok for my predictions 1.Santas sled for racing? 2.Ice palace where i think you can get a Frost bitecostume and 3.A puffle in a reindeer costume cuz they always have them for penguins.
Ill get you penguins next year mwhahaha