Club Penguin Memories Weekly Post Roundup – Week 11 Of 2012

By / March 11, 2012

Here is this week’s post roundup:


  • Should I do a series of posts called ‘Trainman1405 In Real Life’? I do have a page on here with a little bit of information about me, but it’s semi-outdated and doesn’t have tons of stuff. If I were to do it, what should I do? Share what I’m working on in real life, talk about my other hobbies, etc? What do you think? One thing I will not do is show my face, say my actual name, where I live exactly, etc – nothing personal like that. If I do end up doing this, how often should it be? Bi-weekly? Weekly? Please give me your input, I’m curious to know what you think. I could always do stuff like collect questions in the comments and answer them in a future post, who knows…
  • I’ve got GREAT NEWS about tracking – you know how I don’t always have the time to track, and it’s been suggested I start a tracking team? Stay tuned, more on that later this week…
  • I should be able to have ‘On This Day In Club Penguin History’ posts back in action by the end of the month. I’m just finishing the last of this big stack of schoolwork. :-)
  • I still need a fix a few more issues on the site. In the meantime, Club Penguin Memories is fully up to date. I also changed the poll question and background, as you might have noticed.
  • I’m always open to suggestion – how can I improve Club Penguin Memories? What should I add? Remove? Is there anything I should post that I don’t, or anything I shouldn’t post that I do? Let me know.
  • Soon I’ll add new penguin header images. Lots to do, eh?

Club Penguin Updates & News:

Puffle Party 2012 Login Screens
Club Penguin Times Issue 333
Cheese Pin
Field Ops 72
Puffle Party 2012 Construction
March 2012 Furniture Catalogue
Puffle Catalogue Updated
Puffle Launch 1.3 Update
March 2012 Club Penguin Magazine
Dot EPF Message
Book Room Fan Art Updated
Code Unlock Page Update

Club Penguin Blog Posts & Videos:

Disney Magazine Australia Video
Reviewed By You: Puffles
Featured Fashions: March 8th
Featured Igloos: March 8th
Puffle Party 2012 Sneak Peek
Club Puffle Animation Video


Puffle Party Commercial Pictures
Reminder: Club Penguin Updates Tonight
Happy77 Comments About Beta Team
April 2012 Furniture Catalogue Items
Unreleased Clothing Items
Unreleased Puffle Hats
Could Server Jumping Be Coming Soon?
Puffle Party 2012 Sneak Peek From Happy77 To Saraapril
Still Access Rockhopper’s Quest
Puffle Party 2012 Get Connected Commercial On Disney Channel
Two New Games Coming To Club Penguin

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Cool! I think you should make a contest! So, the winners can be in the tracking team!



YEAH! That Sounds AWESOME! With A Free Toy Code MAYBE



That isn’t fun as it won’t be fair to the losers.Plus,like what CW used to do (or still),why not add a contest like Penguin of the Month? :)



I like the real life thing. :)



I have a question…why is does it say ‘Click’ on the header next to the catalog button?



So people know those are page buttons to click on.



I do think you should make “Trainman1405 in real life post”. That would be pretty cool! Maybe weekly would be good?

And so you WILL be making a tracking team or do you have another idea?



You’ll find out soon enough. ;)



Well whatever it is, I’m sure it’ll be great! :P



Thanks for taking my suggestion and using it :)



BINGO! :D The Trainman in Real Life is cool,maybe weekly.And if you are gonna set up a tracking team,count me in :D

james vu

james vu

Hi Trainman,
Can you help us during the fair or party for instance gather a small group of penguins to visit our igloo, so we can earn the stamps? Because those two stamps are kind of hard to get. Thank you.



I’ll see what I can do sometime soon, although it’s hard with everything going on. :) Maybe in the next month or two, or in the Summer when everyone is off school?



Hey Trainman,You Should Make A Tracking Team ;) I Am Great At Tracking!
And You Should Make A Trainman1405 Club Penguin Party Because Iv’e Never Met You And Its My Dream! :) Please Reply,
-BillyGizmo ;)



you should do the trainman in real life



ps the home page is updated again