Club Penguin Memories Weekly Post Roundup – Week 27 Of 2012

By / July 1, 2012

Here is this week’s post roundup and news:


  • Get ready, because this week I’m going to start working on the following: add a mobile website, start penguin of the week, write many On This Day in Club Penguin History posts, write Trainman1405 In Real Life posts, and fixing site bugs with the navbar and picture viewer on pages, and finally add more penguin header images (if you have any outfit suggestions leave a comment!) Check back Tuesday or Wednesday and you’ll see some of this new content. ;)
  • I’ve also got other website projects planned this Summer. (I hope to have one or two done this month)
  • I’m always open to suggestion – how can I improve Club Penguin Memories? What should I add? Remove? Is there anything I should post that I don’t, or anything I shouldn’t post that I do? Let me know.

Club Penguin Updates & News:

Club Penguin Times Issue #349 – Final Showdown!
Supervillain Pin Location
Field Op 88
Issue 6 of Club Penguin’s Magazine
Gary EPF Message
July 2012 Pay Day

Club Penguin Blog Posts, Videos, and Tweets:

Club Penguin Blog Featured Igloos: June 26th
Marvel Party “Extended”, Meet Aunt Arctic on June 29th (now over)
New Club Penguin Magazine Issue Sneak Peek
Club Penguin Make Your Mark: Ultimate Jam 2012 Sneak Peek Images
Club Penguin Band to be at Ultimate Jam 2012
New Club Penguin Music Video “The Party Starts Now”, Coming Soon to iTunes


Club Penguin Briefly Mentions Music Jam, Verifies “Two Visitors”
Club Penguin Updating Reminder
Cadence Confirmed To Be Visiting Ultimate Jam 2012, Will Have New Background
Free Club Penguin Membership
New Club Penguin Video Coming Sunday (now released)
Happy77 (was) Hanging Out On Sherbet
Club Penguin Games (Olympics) Coming Next Month?

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I noticed that you changed the title from Marvel Superhero Takeover | Club Penguin Memories to Make Your Mark: Ultiamte Jam | Club Penguins memories.



Yup! Good eye! I did it a few hours ago to get ready for this month’s party.



Trainman, maybe when you get back to school, you should hire someone to do On This Day in CP History posts. You can count on me, if you like :). I know a LOT about CP History!



I can’t wait for penguin of the week! How will you choose? ;3



I’ll pick whoever I think deserves it for that week and say why.

Lenny Thai

Lenny Thai

Do you know how we can earn penguin of the week? Yet?



I’ll be picking people. (such as if they’re helpful, we hung out on CP, etc)



I wonder who it will be? :)

Also, sorry I haven’t been on your site to much recently (I still check a few times a day, just not 30 times a day like I used to :P). I believe I mentioned to you before that it was because of my firewall, right?

Lenny Thai

Lenny Thai

I would like if you put Businessmoose, Polo field’s, Happy77’s, Cools Time’s, and Bilybob’s original outfit like their main outfit… like how Happy77 usually have the bee head thingy and green vest and black and white sneakers.

Eclipse 9810

Eclipse 9810

I wish club penguin released shield uniforms for the superhero party!! That would have been awesome!
Also, I hoped we would have a wide variety of superhero and supervillan costumes. eg. Have all the costumes in thegift shop, but then single them out in hqs. I would also like it if cp added a Citizen hq, so nonmembers could go somewhere else other than the super hero and super villan hqs
Ah well, I’m enjoying the party otherwise.



Typo. You said website other projects instead of other website projects.



That’s a lot to do Trainman! Have you ever thought of getting a new theme?



I think the theme is fine how it is for now. I’ve only had this one six months. Websites don’t need a new theme every 2 months imo. :P

Shawdow Guy1

Shawdow Guy1

Dear Trainman1405,

During the “Make your Mark:Ultiamte Jam” I have heard that new mascots will be attending the party. Will you have “Shake it up” C.P stars CeCe and Rocky trackers? I consider that to be a good improvement to this site!

-Shawdow Guy1



yes I will!



Train, here is a secret:

If you get 10 penguins dancing in the same room at the Make your Mark: Ultimate Jam the Dubstep puffle will appear and dance with you! Could this be a new stamp? Can you put up Elephant Costume and Christmas Lights Costume as penguin headers please? Can I be Penguin of the week please?




Cool On this day sounds really cool :)



Its Wedsnday and I dont see any new headers. Im mad!