Club Penguin Memories Weekly Post Roundup – Week 23 Of 2012

By / June 3, 2012

Here is this week’s post roundup and news:


  • 5 more days of school, then I can start working on everything below! Woohoo!
  • Penguin of the week is coming soon! (middle of June)
  • Check back in a few days for information on my Card-Jitsu code giveaway! I’ll either have it this coming weekend or the following. I’m going to shoot for either June 9th or 10th.
  • Along with everything else, soon I will add more penguin header images and add the mobile site I keep talking about. If you have certain outfits you want the penguin in the header images to have, let me know! I do have a list of your requests and will do them!
  • On This Day In Club Penguin Memories posts are something I’m going to do once school is over. I’m excited that I’m finally going to have time to do these again!
  • Website bugs are all fixed except for one which I’m still looking into and won’t get to until I get to everything else.
  •  ‘Trainman1405 In Real Life’ posts have been postponed until the middle of June along with everything else as said. I’m just too busy with school to do extra things such as that right now. It will get done though, and luckily school is almost over!
  • I’ve got a small project I need to work on. It’s Club Penguin related. I don’t know when I will be able to get to it. Probably June.
  • I’m always open to suggestion – how can I improve Club Penguin Memories? What should I add? Remove? Is there anything I should post that I don’t, or anything I shouldn’t post that I do? Let me know.

Club Penguin Updates & News:

Club Penguin Times Issue #345
Field Ops 84
June 2012 Clothing Catalogue
Bean Bag Pin
Membership Page Updated
Meteor In Telescope
New Membership Popups
June 2012 Magazine Released
Gary EPF Message
June 2012 Pay Day
Book Room Fan Art Updated

Club Penguin Blog Posts & Videos:

Reviewed By You: Heroes
Featured Igloos: May 29th
Marvel Super Hero Takeover Video


Third Super Hero Party Sneak Peek
Why Some Nonmembers Can Battle Scorn
Club Penguin Updating Reminder
Club Penguin’s New Magazine Cover
Club Penguin Participating Jubilee Family Festival at Hyde Park
Still Access Medieval Party Rooms
Unreleased Item Pictures
Free 500 Coins
Membership Deals
Page Promotion + On Mashable
Okanagan College 2012 Honorary Fellow Lane Merrifield Delivers Speech

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But do you have to keep every little thing a secret? I know how you get those exclusives, and I know how you found those files. I reveal it to everybody soon :D



In an old comment I revealed how.



Give us a hint Trainman? ;) How old post? Should we look for 2012 or 2011?

Do you promise you don’t lie? Because I will start reading all the pages Now.



Towards the last few months of 2011 is all I am going to say. In it I provided some links in which I get information. I didn’t say *everything* in that post, but it’s a starter. ;p



Does this have anything to do with it: [removed]

please don’t publish those links, as if I find them I also want to keep them as my secret



could you show it again on my computer it doesnt run right it used to but now it won’t



I remember that post! It’s where I first leanred to get inot them.



Can you sat which month? Please I visit your site on my Kindle every day before school! I’m your biggest fan!!!!



You should make a Rookie header (a penguin with Red Propeller Cap, Red Sunglasses & Red Hawaiian Shirt).

Tyson14505(huge ClubPenguinMemories Fan)

Tyson14505(huge ClubPenguinMemories Fan)

My username is dj lost boy



For the Card Jitsu Giveaway please don’t do the same as before cause I’ll never get it unless you want me to wake up at 2:00AM and go on without my mum noticing?



What? You have still school? xD My summer holiday began already <3

Darn, I'm going to miss Card Jitsu code giveaway.
I hope you will have another giveaway during the summer??



We’ll see. ;-)

Amy 19987

Amy 19987

Wait, there are like 7 days left for my school year… Probably cause I am from the Atlantic. Different timing over here! I sound so much like a postcard… XD

See ya!
Amy 19987



Trainman, do you think that this is an epic fail?
I got Club Penguin magazine along with a Sticker Album that has a code. However, when I entered the code I unlocked 50 COINS!? A code which unlocks 50 coins?? The package also said 1:8 possibility to earn treasure book code but anyways..
Look at this picture:



The sticker code is supposed to unlock 50 coins.



Whats the point of that?
Would you call this as a scam?? it promises everything else, 3 unlock items but you just unlock 50 coins…



My holiday starts in 16 days! xD Oh well.
any way trainman i think you should update the field ops tracker and the pin tracker no? lol :)



i’m too busy to update it but will try to get to it soon



Trainman, do you add people to your friend list?



Yes and no. The limit is 500, and I have 499. I keep it at 499 so I can still receive requests, because if I had 500 buddies I wouldn’t receive any to keep. At times I’ll go through my buddy list and delete inactive penguins and add some of the penguins who have requested me, putting me back at 499.



I probably make your penguin slow because I send TONS of requests to you…… And if you’re asking… I am not stalking him!



I got a idea for your site you should add a xat or something and i make great headers if you want 1 i can make it espeacially for you



WHAT! The people in the USA are lucky.
I live in the UK and WE dont break up to July the 20th.




Well if you live in the UK, your lucky since club penguin made a lot of stuff in the UK, the magazine, special offers, and yet many more! Look at me! I get out in June 28th! so your not the only one who is unlucky! Also, i return in August! Most probably in august 23 so your lucky! i bet you return in late september! And i am having a lot of school stuff! So your luckier =/



Wait, You get out IN JULY!? If it is, then you should return in October don’t you think?



I remember that post! I also remembered giving a clue : Google searchbox . Type in m***a*.***********.com Find the asterisk letters yourself.