On This Day In Club Penguin History – December 12

By / December 12, 2015

On the 12th of December Club Penguin has updated in 2008 and 2013. In 2008 the play at the Stage was changed, the second ever Coins For Change event kicked off, Rockhopper arrived, new furniture and igloo catalogues were released, and the igloo music and postcards were updated. In 2013 new furniture and igloo catalogues were released, the igloo music was updated, the Puffle Accessories catalogue was updated, a new hidden was hidden, A Humbug Holiday returned to the Stage, Rockhopper was closer in the telescope, and Club Penguin’s app received a big update. December is such a busy month on Club Penguin!

The new play at the Stage on this day in 2008 was Quest for the Golden Puffle. This was its second time being at the Stage. The first showing of the play was being earlier in the year, in April 2008. This play was at the Stage a grand total of eight times.

For Coins For Change 2008, like usual you could donate your coins to different causes which helped Club Penguin decide how they were going to split the 1 million dollars they were giving to charity. The causes that year were kids who are sick, kids who are poor and cannot go to school, and kids without parents or who have been hurt by war. You could donate in 50, 250, or 500 coin intervals. Donation stations were set up at the Beach, Plaza, and Rockhopper’s Quarters. Speaking of Rockhopper, as I mentioned above, he arrived at the island for another visit. His free item this time around was the Red Sailor’s Cap, a returning item that was first released in September 2006 when the Lighthouse first opened. Members could purchase the Green Parrot clothing item for 400 coins or the the Coins For Change Banner or Globe furniture items for 500 coins or 350 coins respectively. For the holidays Treasure Hunt was given a special Christmas theme.


The December 2008 igloo catalogue brought back the Snow Globe igloo, which cost 3,700 coins. The furniture igloo contained some festive holiday themed items such as the Christmas Tree and Stocking. The igloo music was also updated, adding the Snowy Holiday and Christmas Piano Medley tracks. The final 2008 update was new postcards being added. They were the Coins For Change, Christmas, New Year, and Quest for the Golden Puffle postcards.

Let’s move on to 2013 now, shall we? The biggest updates in-game that day was new furniture and igloo catalogues. They were still separate at this time instead of combined into one. The furniture catalogue featured railroad themed items such as the Red Line Tunnel and Railroad Crossing Sign. There were also many holiday themed items in the catalogue such as the Holiday Station Clock, Candy Cane Lantern, and Holly Jolly Tree. In the new igloo catalogue there was the brand new Train Station Igloo, plus three igloos returned for the holidays: the Fresh Baked Gingerbread House Igloo, the Snowy Backyard Igloo, and the Cozy Cottage Igloo. Club Penguin also updated the igloo music with some holiday tunes.

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Another update relating to catalogues in 2013 was the Puffle Accessories catalogue receiving some changes. New puffle hats, food, and furniture for the gold and rainbow puffles were added.

There was also a new pin hidden on the island, the Ornament Pin. It was hidden at the Dance Club on the left wall speaker near DJ3K, now known as SoundStudio. This is the eighth pin to be hidden in this room and is Club Penguin’s 251st pin overall.

Other updates on the 12th of December in 2013 include A Humbug Holiday returning to the Stage for a third time, the igloo music being updated with holiday tracks, and Rockhopper appearing closer in the telescope at the Lighthouse Beacon, as he was making his way to the island for Coins For Change.

The final update in 2013 wasn’t necessarily in-game, but still very important. Version 1.3 of Club Penguin’s mobile app was released. Before this update the app was called My Penguin because it offered a limited Club Penguin experience, but with this big update it now contained enough features to be considered the complete version of Club Penguin on mobile. This update brought the ability to waddle around the island and visit rooms, specifically the Town, Dance Club, Clothes Shop, and Coffee Shop. The app also brought two more games to mobile, Smoothie Smash and Pizzatron 3000. The ability to jump to friends and other miscellaneous improvements to the app were also a part of this update.


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