Club Penguin Memories Weekly Post Roundup – Week 29 Of 2012 – New Website!
Here is this week’s post roundup and news:
- The Club Penguin Memories pages are outdated by two weeks and will be done ASAP. I also need to update the Penguin of the Week, change the poll question, add more header images still, and like usual from time to time I will write more Trainman1405 In Real Life and On This Day In Club Penguin History posts. Other minor things include fixing a navbar bug, homepage bug, and a small bug with the picture viewer (I fixed it the old picture viewer bug, but now there’s a new one!) It seems like a lot, but it’s quick.
- Do you play Tap Tap Revenge on your iOS or Android device? I’ve launched a new website giving the latest updates about it! It’s called Tap Tap Revenge Cheats and you can visit it here. Fun fact: Disney purchased Tapulous, the company behind Tap Tap Revenge, on July 1st 2010.
- I have some other website projects planned this later Summer. (Tap Tap Revenge Cheats was one of them, more on the way!)
- I’m always open to suggestion – how can I improve Club Penguin Memories? What should I add? Remove? Is there anything I should post that I don’t, or anything I shouldn’t post that I do? Let me know.
Club Penguin Updates & News:
Club Penguin Times Issue 351
Ultimate Jam 2012 Construction
Dubstep Puffle Pin
Field Ops 90
July 2012 Furniture Catalogue
July 2012 Igloo Catalogue
New Log Off Screen & Membership Page Design
Gary EPF Message
‘The Party Starts Now’ Ringtone is on iTunes
Club Penguin Blog Posts, Videos, and Tweets:
The Party Starts Now Coming to iTunes Next Tuesday
Dance Club During Make Your Mark: Ultimate Jam 2012
The Party Starts Now Music Video
New Club Penguin Game Coming In August
Ultimate Jam 2012 Plaza Image
On This Day In Club Penguin History: July 9th
Club Penguin Teaming Up With Innocent for Fruit Party 2012
Club Penguin Updating Reminder
New Puffle Hats
Poll: Do You Think Happy77 Has Ever Changed Her Igloo?
Ultimate Jam Messages for Cadence, Rocky, and CeCe
Penguin Band Tracker
Trainman1405 In Real Life: Beach
On This Day In Club Penguin History – July 15
The day disney bought ‘Tapulous’ was a day before my birthday!
Trainman plz add a picture of the ultimate jam in the town or a pic of the fruit party
No pictures exist, so until there is one on the web I cannot post anything.
tommorrow is Cp going to release that new song “party is on” on Itunes :D yay and YAAY i met all 4 members of the Penguin Band thx to Twitter and and a xat ( Today i found Stompin Bob my tracking him myself :P i found him on a Pt server called pizza Fria :D i was the first who found him there ) :D wohoo i can’t wait to track Cece and rocky thursday
Waddle on :)
party starts now not party is on :-/
Tap Tap doesn’t update enough for a blog. You just wanted a domain
They have weekly content updates.
Aren’t u supposed to update POTW?
yeah, soon I am
Is that you, Devin?
I don’t know, what do you think?
Yeah it is! You have the same curly hair in that sunburn pic!!!
I also know the sites you go on (i.e., 9to5mac) teehee mwahaha
Yup! I remember your comment from a while back under another name about 9to5mac.
Or maybe I’m just a stalker (tun tun tunnnn!)