Club Penguin Holiday Party 2011 Sneak Peek

By / November 23, 2011

Last night it was noticed by Club Penguin Blogger Saraapril that on Disney’s Club Penguin Motion Picture comic some rooms and items for next month’s party and catalogs were already displayed there. Word of it has quickly spread around the Club Penguin Community. Before I only knew about the new upcoming Deluxe Gingerbread Igloo, what the December 2011 Penguin Style items will look be, what some other new items will be, and also what December’s Sports Catalog will contain. Thanks to Disney’s Motion Picture Comic we get to see what some of these items will look like and what many of the rooms will look like. Based on what has been seen, many of the rooms do have some differences, and they look quite nice. The Holiday 2011 is expected to start around December 14th. Anyway, here are the rooms.

The Town looks amazing this year, in my opinion. It’s gotten a completely new look. It kind of reminds me of the Polar Express movie, with all the tubes and toys and construction stuff.

At the Beach you can see a stage for music. I wonder what that’s about… maybe the Penguin Band will be performing for charity? You can also see Rockhopper’s ship, The Migrator. One thing missing is the Coins For Change decorations.

Although the Coins For Change decorations are missing from the Beach, you can see them on the Lighthouse Beacon a little bit, piling up from the inside of the Lighthouse.

The Ship doesn’t have much of a different look, just the  usual greens. It still looks great!

The Ship Hold isn’t much different either. I do like the Elf Hats on the Flamingos!

The Captain’s Quarters has the special Holiday Edition of Treasure Hunt like usual.

The Crow’s Nest isn’t much different either.

Here’s the Coffee Shop. It’s the same as last years. From here you can go up to the Book Room and visit Santa’s Chair, as the sign on the wall says.

Here in the Book Room you can visit Santa’s Chair and read the three Holiday Books – A Penguin Christmas Carol, Christmas on Rockhopper Island, and Puffle Pal Adventures: Music Makes Magic.

The Dance Club has gotten a fantastic new look. From here you can go up to the Dance Lounge for the Work Shop.

Just like usual, the Dance Lounge contains the Work Shop and Santa’s Sled Ride. One thing that’s new is the Bakery. I think only members will be able to go through the Staff Only door.

Here’s the Bakery, a new room for the Holiday Party. A free item there will be the Green Baker Uniform, which is pictured in the top left of the image. It’s an interesting looking room, and I can’t wait to see it in person!

Here’s Santa’s Sleigh Ride – I LOVE the background!

Here is the Dock. Nothing is new, however the two lights, Coins For Change Tube, bench, and table have been removed.

Here’s the Stadium with the Rink – it looks fantastic!

Here is the Snow Forts:

Here’s the Plaza, which also got a major overhaul. As you can see, The Stage will have an all new play, the third new one in a row! It will be called A Humbug Holiday.

This is what the Stage will look like. I wonder what the items to go along with the play will look like?

The Pizza Parlor is where the Reindeer Pin will be located. Do you see it?

It’s on the Pizza Oven. It looks just like the furniture item of the Reindeer, but in pin form.

Here’s the Forest. It’s different than last year. As you can see, it’s a countdown to Christmas, starting with December 14th (which is when the party will start like most likely) and ends December 25th. I wonder what’s behind the panels?

Here’s the Iceberg. Last year there was no tree or presents, just the northern lights. It’s nice to see Club Penguin re-added some decorations to this room for this year.

The Ski Village is keeping the whole classic Christmas Village look.

The Ski Lodge looks very cozy!

Here’s the Mountain:

Finally, here is the Dojo Courtyard. Three things I noticed are there are fire, water, and snow tiles above the Ninja Hideout Entrance, the Volcano has orange smoke ,(it’s usually gray) and the storm cloud is gone! However, there are clouds behind the mountains…I wonder why?!

That’s all for the rooms. Keep in mind this is not all the rooms for the party, as some are missing. (such as the Cove) Some of the room decorations could change a little bit between now and the releasing of the party, who knows. A few unreleased items are also pictured.

I think this penguin is wearing the Elf Shoes and Elf Hat, which are unreleased. However, I think the other two items are The Peppermint Suit and the Candy Cane Cane.

This penguin is wearing the Snowflake Costume. I wonder why the penguin is such a light color?

I think the Ballerina’s Wig is the wig “The Pirouette”. I could be wrong.

This penguin is wearing the wig “The Claus-ette” and the Claus-ette Outfit.

The Penguin dressed as Santa has a green toy sack, which is unreleased – currently we only have it in red.

This penguin is wearing the wig “The Nutcracker” and the Nutcracker Costume.

There’s also some furniture items.

Gingerbread Couch:

Gingerbread Chair:

Gingerbread Man:

Now, some of this stuff could also be furniture in the future:

The program on Disney’s website also had some updated and new looking emotes, such as the one pictured below. Do you think Club Penguin will be changing the emotes in game?

If you would like to see the past Christmas and Holiday Parties, visit any of the links below:

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It looks so cozy!!!!!!!!!



new blog juuuuuuuuuuuussssssssstttttttt in case u don’t know.
lol u probubly already know.



I know, I mentioned it in the Book Room Fan Art updated post. :)



Club penguin cheatsy has all the rooms posted! THEY ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



They missed some stuff.



awesome =D but about the update for emotes , i think they should leave the emotes because the emotes are really nice right now and if they change those then the last bit of the old cp will be gone



hey train i can get u the snow forts if u want?
i could email them.



I edited it into the post. I forgot to include it. :)



and also in the bakery there is the gingerbread igloo in the right top corner. I’m not sure if its free or not.



Good eye! Maybe!



Lol i DOES remind me of the polar express.



snow ninja is DEFINETLY coming out in january!



Dude the Holiday Party Looks So Freaking SICK! The Penguin Band Should Be coming I Imagine..Also my Theory Of Snow Ninjas in December Might Be Correct. As for the items, they look amazing too, and the pale blue might be in the new Penguin Style or Rockhoppers rare items? And I Think the Green bag will be the new Sleigh Item!



Excelente !!!!



In the Pizza Parlor pictures there`s Reindeer Pin. You posted that it is Reindeer furniture item! xD



I said it was a pin that looks like the furniture item. ;)



Oh my gosh I am so excited! I have been wanting the ballerina costume forever and it will finally be here! Thanks so much for being the first to know!




wow! you are the best site EVER!



Thank you! :)



I hope that gingerbread baker suit thing will do an action. I wander why that penguin is white?



Im really excited about this party, now I know what to expect: best christmash party EVER in Club Penguin’s history!!

By the way, do you know when club penguin is goin to fix the issue with membership stripes? Its.. startin to make me angry!



Nope, I don’t. Hopefully it is soon!



Please … I borrow the images … I will thank you … and put links to your blog …. What is your your twitter ???… I love this blog I want to follow … Lend them to me? Or just tell me where you got … thanks



Wow. When I first saw the town, I nearly cried, it looked so amazing. I love Christmas and I love Club Penguin and I mean the town looks incredible. It is just so beautiful, with the sparkly sky and the snow covering the houses OH MY GOSH, I WANT IT TO BE CHRISTMAS



Wow! I love it. I really LOVE the new emotes! I hope they put the new emotes in game. If you like them, lets email club penguin that they should put these emotes in game! :D



Train I get it if we fufill the orders of cookies in the bakery we get the Deluxe Gingerbread Igloo look at the photo!



i think the new play at the stage will probably be “Christmas Carol The Musical”



he knows i told him auroracow. ;)
and mattie the play is called “a humbug holiday”.



I love the overhaul that the Plaza and the Town got!
About the bakery, it may be the member only room for this party.
I really can’t wait for this party!



If you look closely, you can see shadows on the clouds in the Dojo Courtyard pic…



yeah sadas its for cj snow in january.



It could also have something to do with Shadow Ninjas, but who knows.



i dout it. shadow ninjas will probobly come out in november (2012) but who knows. just like train just posted, they may be in the new cataloge tomorrow.
will just have to wait and see.



you said the only thing that is new in the dance lounge is the bakery but where they have the game posters it has a bits and bolts poster(witch is new)

fluffy tux

fluffy tux

sooo coool!!!!!!!!!!!!cnt wait

fluffy tux

fluffy tux

cnt wait for the 15th w a d d l e o n C P =)



how did you get these pics?



how did you get these pics?



They are on Disney’s website.



Thanks for the lovely tips! I wish I could get some free shoes for my penguin because I’m not a member. The Dojo looks nice!!