On This Day In Club Penguin History – October 24

By / October 24, 2015

The 24th of October is arguably the most important (and busiest!) day in Club Penguin History. The 24th of October marks the anniversary of the game, the day the Club Penguin game exited beta and launched to the general public. It’s the day of all days.

With the exception of 2012 and 2014, when those anniversary parties began on the 23rd, Club Penguin has updated every single year. Each year there’s an anniversary party to celebrate, a new yearbook, and, in some years, even more surprises!

In 2005 there was no anniversary, but Club Penguin did exit the beta stage. Billybob wrote a post titled “IT’S LAUNCHED!!!” on the game’s blog. This is what it said:

Hello Penguins,

We are happy to announce that Club Penguin is offically launched!! We hope you all enjoy Club Penguin as much as we do. As you all know, Club Penguin is more fun with more people, so make sure you invite your friends and add them to your buddy list!

We are also want to thank all of the beta testers for helping us get everything ready for launch.

Waddle On!

– Club Penguin Team!
By BillyBob on October 24, 2005 12:16 PM

October 24, 2006 marked one year of Club Penguin. There was a one day long party in the Coffee Shop, so players had only small timeframe to log on to Club Penguin and collect the 1st Year Anniversary Party Hat. The first anniversary party hat was green and blue.


Thanks to my friend Blingstr for giving me his image to use many, many years ago.

2007 marked two years, so Club Penguin decorated the Coffee Shop and Book Room. This is also when they launched their first yearbook, the 2006-2007 yearbook. A 2005-2006 one was not released until March 2008. That year’s party hat was yellow and orange.


3 years of Club Penguin was also a big event, so big that the Town was decorated, too! Club Penguin was teasing new toys, and October 24, 2008 marked the launch of their toy line at Toys R Us. To celebrate Club Penguin held an event in New York City, which was live streamed on their website. Rather than doing the traditional two colours, Club Penguin made this party hat three: yellow, orange, and blue. In addition to the party hat players could collect the Ice Cream Apron in the party shop. For the time ever at an Anniversary Party a mascot was waddling around, Rockhopper. Once again a new yearbook was released, too.


The 4th Anniversary Party celebration in 2009 lasted until the 26th of October. The Coffee Shop, Book Room, and Town were all decorated. The party hat’s colours were purple and light blue. Like usual a new yearbook highlighting events from the past year could now be looked at by penguins.


Club Penguin’s 5th Anniversary Party in 2010 also lasted for two days. The 5th Year Party Hat was five colours: olive, green, orange, yellow, and red. Once again the Coffee Shop, Book Room, and Town were all decorated, now a yearly normalcy. As expected, a new yearbook was now available. This is when Club Penguin added the Celebration Stamp, which is unlocked by blowing out the candles on a cake at the Anniversary Party. Club Penguin also had penguins submit their fan art for this party, and ten of them were displayed in the Book Room.

Coffee Shop

At the 6th Anniversary Party in 2011 the Coffee Shop was not only decorated to celebrate 6 years, but it also had some Halloween decorations. The party hat was black, orange, purple, and green. Aunt Arctic was waddling around for this event, which lasted until the 28th of October. There was a new yearbook.


As aforementioned Club Penguin’s 2012 and 2014 Anniversary Parties began on the 23rd, but there’s still 2013, which is when Club Penguin celebrated 8 years! That year’s party hat featured all the colours of the rainbow, plus players could collect the This Old Town Background as well as meet Aunt Arctic. This is also when Club Penguin released their Birthday song featuring Jordan Fisher. Another yearbook was published to highlight the events of the past year.

Screen Shot 2013-10-30 at 9.41.13 PM


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It’s hard to believe the 6th Anniversary was 4 years ago. Time really flies by too fast.



Yeah I feel the exact same way Shurow.