On This Day In Club Penguin History – December 5

By / December 5, 2012

So far in Club Penguin History the 5th of December have happened in 2005 and 2008. There were a few updates in 2008. The Treasure Book got a new page added, one featuring several holiday themed items for your penguin that you could obtain when redeeming a coin code.

Rockhopper was also spotted in the telescope coming to the island for Coins For Change and the Christmas Party, which is what it was originally called before the name was switched to the Holiday Party. There was also a new pin, the Snow Forts Pin. It was in the Pet Shop in the top right of the room.

Finally, there was a new clothing catalogue for that month. The December 2008 Penguin Style featured new items such as the Gingerbread Costume. Other items such as the Elf Costume and Yellow Scarf returned for this catalogue.

As for 2005, testing new faster servers started! Penguins got a few free items such as the Red Sunglasses and Pink Toque for example. Here is the blog post Billybob made on it:

Hello Penguins,

We have been hard at work behind the scenes working on a new server system that should be a bit faster and hopefully allow us to make even more improvements to Club Penguin.

You may be wondering, “What does this have to do with me?” Well, we would like your help testing it before we convert all of Club Penguin to it. All this means is that you log into this new area, do everything you normally do and click on everything you can, then let us know if you find any bugs.

As a “thank you” for doing this, we will add some perks to this test server throughout the week. The first is a new room has been added that will eventually have a new game. Every few days we will hide a brand new clothing item that both members and non-members can find, use, wear, and keep for their penguins. (These items will only be found on the test server.)

The test server can be found by going to www.clubpenguin.com/test

So thanks for helping, and don’t forget to fill out a bug report if you find any.

Waddle on!

– Club Penguin Team
By BillyBob on December 5, 2005 11:50 AM

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The igloo on the top right



Actually Trainman there was also an update in 2005. On this day in 2005, Server Testing 2005 began.



You’re right, thanks! I’ll edit that in.



Which was the new room?



No clue!



It was the Ski Lodge, it was opened for testing 3 days later on December 8. It was closed again a couple days later.

It was later permanently added on December 22, 2005.