Club Penguin Halloween Party 2011 Scavenger Hunt Spoilers

By / October 13, 2011

Club Penguin’s new Get Connected commercial has showcased a lot on what to expect at the 2011 Halloween Party. It has given away what much of the rooms will look like as well as what to expect for the Scavenger Hunt. I already knew a lot of what was shown in the video, I just didn’t know what it looked like. I’ve known it will end November 3rd, there will be many new items, even more items, and a whole lot of other stuff that will be on the island. There are also some unreleased items shown in this video, such as the Sled Costume.

To begin with, there will definitely be a scavenger hunt, but it seems like things will be different this year. The candy icon has been replaced with a book.

I’m guessing that the ghosts showcased around the video will have something to do with the scavenger hunt. It does look like a ghost on the cover, after all. There is also piles of candy spread around…

At the Plaza you’ll see Night of the Living Sled! I’ve actually already known it was going to be a play.

If you want me to see more about the rooms, click more below.

The Dock looks about the same with its big pumpkin patch.

If you look behind the catalog you’ll see the Gift Shop decorated.

The Cove will be home to the Monster Catcher HQ, a new addition to the Halloween Party.

Both the Dark Chamber and Haunted House will be making a return.

The Ghost Costume will be free for all penguins at the Haunted Mansion.

Outside of the Haunted Mansion you’ll be able to access the Secret Lab.

You’ll see an upcoming costume that will most likely be in the 2011 Monster Catalog in the Dark Chamber.

Here’s the Pet Shop with lots of jack o lanterns.

That’s about it! The Halloween Party will be released October 20th, which is one week from now. I can’t wait!

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Have you noticed the unreleased costumes in the picture witht he Plaza? The penguin saying “ahhhhh!” looks like a swamp monster to me. Also the sled costume, and the glider wings might be in the Monster Catalog being a lot of penuins are wearing them! I really hope they add a second or different item for the free item! Also, wheres that Members room at every party? Hmmmm… Just wonder!



Yes I noticed all that. :P



Hey train, do you know if the Spooky and slimy items, igloos and such will be released sometime today? I waited all day in classes for this so I hope it does… =p



I don’t know when it’ll come out. Sorry.



Ok,I kinda knew that.. :p but I’m pretty disapointed in them. I really want the new igloo, swamp or castle… But yeah :(



As far as I’m aware there won’t be a new igloo, just returns.



Awww well thats even worse, but in the newpaper it said get ready for some slimy igloos?



It could be referring to the new furniture, I don’t know. There’s nothing about new igloos in their files yet. :P



OH! And if you want to see my igloo now come on Cold Snap! Your my buddy so just go that way or the map. Im on so hurry!



I can always go from my buddy list. =P



I wonder what could possibly be taking them so long.. I’ve waited for hours now for the dumb furniture catalog …



hey train! i cant wait for the Halloween party! Do you have any ideas what the noucturnal will look like? you said it was the free item for nonmembers. Oh, and are you absalutly positive the ghoust coustume will be for nonmember?



I’m 99% about the Ghost Costume. i don’t know much about The Nocturnal other than the item’s name.

Elle wt™

Elle wt™

Wow! this is so cool!! have you seen the movie “creature from the black laggon”? the penguni saying “AAH” has a costume just like it from the movie! i think cp copied it. im sure the movie is in the public domain :)



Speaking of items, the wiki has some new interesting unreleased items…



I already knew Club Penguin updated their files, thanks anyway. ;) I’ll post everything soon.



Weird, I checked Club Penguin’s files and the items were not there.



I just looked at those unreleased item names, and they all have to do with NINJA ITEMS? Could all the dojos be getting a personal catalog for the ninja’s only? Like you need to be a water ninja to acsess it, etc… What worries me is that Clubpenguin isn’t ready for Snow Ninjas cause there’s no sign of the items, only the Shadow Ninja Items! This is amazing!



OH WAIT! DUH! The November 2011 Clothing will be based around the Card-Jitsu Tournament… Well so much for my idea! =p Also they sound intresting especially the ‘”Earthquake Coat” New dojo hitting??



Yeah… The Earthquake coat is probably a snow ninja item :P



I’d post about all the items but I have no actual proof CP had them in their files. I was told they were removed shortly after CP updated last week.