Reminder: Club Penguin Updates Tonight!
Club Penguin is updating tonight. This is their forty third update week of 2014. This week contains a major amount of updates. The expected updates this week are as follows:
- Halloween Party 2014
- 9th Anniversary Party
- 2013-2014 Yearbook Added
- Club Penguin Times Issue 470
- As always there will likely be a new EPF message on your spy phone later in the day
If you have not already done the following I recommend you do so before Club Penguin updates.
- Nothing this week
Posts related to tonight’s updates include:
- Halloween Party 2014 Information
- October 2014 Sneak Peek Images
- Halloween Party 2014 Spoilers
- Halloween Party 2014 Plaza and Music Sneak Peeks
- Halloween Party 2014 Hotel Lobby Sneak Peek
- Halloween Party 2014 Commercial
- Gariwald and Puffle Hotel Halloween Party 2014 Preparations
- Another Halloween Party 2014 Sneak Peek
I can’t wait to see the yearbook!!!!
IKR the yearbooks are always fun… :)
I have a good feeling this year’s Halloween Party will top all the other parties this year.
Woo ^_^