On This Day In Club Penguin History – November 6

By / November 6, 2015

s On the sixth of November Club Penguin has updated in 2006, 2009, and 2014. In 2006 the Jetpack Adventure game was released, in 2009 there was a new pin and a new clothing catalogue, and in 2014 there was a new clothing catalogue as well as a new logoff screen, the play at the stage being changed, the featured postcards being updated.

In 2006 there was only one update, which was Jetpack Adventure being released for all penguins to play. Back in 2006 stamps didn’t exist so obviously at the time this game did not have any stamps to unlock.

In 2009 Club Penguin has two updates. They were a new pin and a new clothing catalogue. The new pin was the Sled Pin, later renamed to the Toboggan Pin. The pin was hidden at the Ski Hill. It’s the third pin to be hidden in that room and is Club Penguin’s 105th pin overall.

The other update in 2009 was November’s Penguin Style catalogue being released. It contained winter wear.


Just like in 2009, 2014 also had the release of a new Penguin Style. It contained fall fashions as well as some pirate and mermaid costumes.

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 6.03.59 PM

Speaking of pirates, Club Penguin also added a new logoff screen to advertise the month’s party, the Pirate Party. It said “Battle crabs for loot! November 20 – December 3rd”.

Another update was Squidzoid vs. Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal returning to the Stage for a tenth showing. There weren’t any set changes.

The final update in 2014 was the featured postcards selection being updated. The featured postcards now listed the Campfire Story, Squidzoid, Beach, and Actors Needed postcards.


Want to see and learn more? Check out these pages about the topics mentioned above.

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typo danger typo danger we have case of typo in is yes and din is no and fix the typo please



Fixed it! Thanks for pointing that out.



thats ok case close



Please dont remind me about the Pirate Party :'(

Poor Tesco George im crying