Club Penguin Memories 12 Days of Contests 2013 – Day 8

By / December 20, 2013

Day 8 of 12 for the Club Penguin Memories 12 Days of Contests 2013 is now here! Starting from the moment this post is published (December 20, 2013 at midnight PST) you will have exactly 24 hours (until 11:59 PM PST of the same day) to enter to win the code up for grabs today. The task differs day to day, so make sure you read instructions in each post carefully!

Before I begin though, here are the answers to yesterday’s contest. You did not have to correct the answer if it was false however for the heck of it I did include what the answers to the false questions really were. Congratulations to those of you who got all 10 right!

  1. True or false: nonmembers can buy igloos – FALSE (they can’t)
  2. True or false: Lime Green was released for members in November 2007 – FALSE (it was November 2006)
  3. True or false: The Christmas Tree Pin has returned since December 2006 – FALSE (this pin, like most pins, has never returned)
  4. True or false: The Festival of Snow was in February 2006 – FALSE (it was February 2007)
  5. True or false: Quest for the Golden Puffle was Club Penguin’s second stage play ever to be released – FALSE (It was The Twelfth Fish…Quest for the Golden Puffle was their fifth one)
  6. True or false: The maximum amount of coins you can have is 1,000,000 (one million) – TRUE, after you reach one million coins even if you earn some it’ll stop adding them at one million until you spend some
  7. True or false: Club Penguin did not have a April Fool’s Day Party in 2010 – FALSE (they did – and it was fun!)
  8. True or false: Billybob left Club Penguin because he was fired – FALSE (He left because he wanted to work on new projects, he was not fired)
  9. True or false: The Santa Hat item was first released in 2005 – TRUE, It was first released at the 2005 Christmas Party and has returned nearly every year since!)
  10. True or false: The first Card-Jitsu game was released in 2008 – TRUE, the Card-Jitsu game found in the Dojo was first released at the end of 2008

For today’s contest you need to comment below saying when the three items worn by the penguin in the image below were released. So for example, your comment would look like this – the example does not have the right answers, as it is purely an example so you get the general idea on what your comment needs to be like.

The head item was released in June 2013.

The face item was released in August 2010.

The neck item was released in September 2007.

To make things a little bit harder I am not saying what the names of the items being worn are. You’ll just have to identify when each item was released and comment saying when. YOU MUST INCLUDE THE MONTH AND YEAR WITH EACH ITEM FOR YOUR ENTRY TO BE COUNTED. You do not need to say what the name of the item is in your comment, but you can if you’d like. You also do not need to say what party or event the items were released at but it will not count against you if you do so. :)

Once you leave a comment with the answers, as long as all three answers are correct you will get an entry in the raffle for today. You can only comment with your answers once. The answers will be revealed in day 9’s post. The prize up for grabs for day eight is a one month membership code. Any entries for this day after 11:59 PM PST will not count. Instead, enter on day 9 once it is published at midnight PST on December 21st! Here is the penguin wearing the three items you need to say when they were released:

Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 9.18.18 PM

Do not cheat by entering under multiple names each day as you will be disqualified. Make sure you include your email address when submitting a comment so I can give you the code if you win! That is crucial, as without an email I cannot contact you to give you the code. All you have to do is put the email address in the email box when leaving a comment or stick it in your comment and I’ll edit it out so nobody else can see it. Remember, all 12 winners (one per day) will be announced on the 25th of December. You can reference this post at any time for all of the information you might need to know. If you have any other questions feel free to contact me at any time and I will try my best to respond as soon as possible. Good luck everyone, and may the odds be ever in your favour. :)

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There was a typo in Number 7. The answer is “FALSE”.



Red Hard Hat – May 30, 2008
Swirly Glasses – March 28, 2008
Blue Mail Bag – July 14, 2008

Mail – [email removed for privacy – thanks!]



Head item was April 2008 and face item was April 2008. The neck item was July 2008.



The head item was released in May 2008.
The face item was released in March 2008.
The neck item was released in July 2008.



The Red Hard Hat was released on May 2008

The Swirly Glasses were released on March 2008

The Blue Mailbag was released on July 2008

And shouldn’t number 7 on day 7 would be false or am I wrong?



It was a typo I fixed. :)



Red Hard Hat from May 2008
Swirly Glasses from March 2008, April Fools’ Party
Blue Mail Bag from July 2008 through Penguin Mail

This are all rare items, Trainman. :P



Yeah, I just logged on an old nonmember account I made in 2008 and used that. :P



The head item was released in May 2008.

The face item was released in March 2008.

The neck item was released in July 2008.



The head item was released in May 2008.
The face item was released in March 2008.
The neck item was released in July 2008.



head item was released in may 2008
face item was released in march 2008
neck item was released after july 2008



The Red Hard Hat was released on May 30 2008
The Swirly Glasses was released on March 28 2008
The Blue Mail Bag was released on July 14 2008



In yesterdays’s contest, a question was : Club Penguin did not have a April Fool’s Day Party in 2010 and above you said the answer was true, they had it. but the real answer is false, they had it. Cause its a double negative, in my answer i said FALSE cause there was NOT NO party, and not a no is a yes. Do you understand what i am saying? So please dont put my answer of false as incorrect, cause it IS the correct answer. And i got the rest right so that would be a shame!



It was an accident, sorry about that! You got it right don’t worry. =)

zezo 1 2001

zezo 1 2001

Red hard hat 30 may 2008
Blue mail bug July 14 2008
Swirly Glasses march 28 2008

Purple Man

Purple Man

Red Hard Hat (Or Red Construction Hat) –
Head Item
All penguins obtained this item if they participated in the Club Penguin Improvement Project.
Date – May, 2008.

Swirly Glasses –
Face Item
April Fools Party of 2008
Date – March, 2008.

Blue Mail Bag –
Neck Item
This item could be obtained by receiving the ”Penguin Mail” postcard.
July 2008.



Head Item: Red Hard Hat; May 2008
Face Item: Swirly Glasses; March 2008
neck Item: Blue Mail Bag; July 2008



The Head item’s name is the Red Hard hat, and it was released in may 30 2008, for all penguins who participated in CPIP
The face item are Swirly Glasses,it was released in March 28, 2008
The neck item is the blue mail bag, it was released along with the Penguin Mail on July 14, 2008.



The head item was released in May 2008.
The face item was released in March 2008.
The neck item was released in July 2008.

Bernardo Tell

Bernardo Tell

The head item was released in May 30, 2008 – Red Hard Hat

The neck item was released in July 2008 – Blue Mail Bag

The face item was released in March 28th, 2008 – Swirly Glasses

The Greatn 1

The Greatn 1

Red Hard Hat On May 30, 2008
Swirly Glasses On March 28, 2008
Blue Mail Bag On July 14, 2008
E-mail: [email removed for privacy – thanks!]



Swirly Glases March 2008
Her Hard Hat May 2008
Blue Mail Bag July 2008



The head item was released in May 2008.
The face item was released on 28 March 2008 and was available till 2 April 2008.
The Neck item was released in July 2008.



My email id is [email removed for privacy – thanks!]

high riser1

high riser1

The head item was released in March 10, 2008

The face item was released in March 28 2008.

The neck item was released in July 14, 2008.

Twitter: @highrisertcp

Email: [email removed for privacy – thanks!]



The head item was released in May 2008

The face item was released in March 2008.

The neck item was released in July 2008.



The Head item was released on May,2008
The face item was released on March,2008
The Hand item was released on July,2008



The head item was released in May 2008.
The face item was released in March 2008.
The neck item was released in July 2008.

Also, wasn’t question 7 false?



Yeah, sorry about that. It got fixed. :)



The head item was fromMay2008
The face item was from March 2008
The neck item was from July 2008



The Red Hard Hat was released on May 2008
Swirly Glasses were released on March and April 2008 (during April Fool’s Party 2008)
The Blue Mail Bag was released on July 2008



The head item was released in May 2008

The face item was released in March 2008

The neck item was released in July 2008.



The head item was released in May 2008.

The face item was released in March 2008.

The neck item was released in July 2008.



1. The Red Hard Hat was released in May 2008 for those who participated in the Club Penguin Improvement Project.
2. The Swirly Glasses were released during the April Fools Party in March-April 2008.
3. The Blue Mail Bag was released in July 2008, after the Penguin Mail update.



The Red Hard Hat was released in May 2008
The Swirly Glasses was released in March 2008
The Blue Mail Bag was released in July 2008



head item – may 2008
face item – march 2008
neck item – july 2008



The head item was released in may 2008
The face item was released in march 2008
The neck item was released in july 2008



The neck item was released in July 2008
The face item was released in April 2008
The head item was released in may 2008



Neck item, July 2008
Face item, April 2008
Head item, May 2008
haha you sure picked a lot of 2008 stuff! :D



Haku23 Here

Red Hard Hat (the head item) was released in May 30 2008
The Swirly Glasses (the face item) was released in March 28, 2008
Blue Mail Bag (the neck item) was released in July 14 2008



The head item was released in May, 2008
The face item was released in March, 2008
The neck item was released in July, 2008

Lion P

Lion P

In 7, I think you meant “False”, because you wore “did not have” in the sentence. :3



I have a question for Question number 7 from yesterday, I answered false they did have a April fools party is that correct or not because true makes it that they didn’t have one.



Sorry I accidentally put true for that.



Head Item: May 2008
Face Item: March 2008
Neck Item: July 2008

Icystorm 9

Icystorm 9

The Head Item was released in April 2008
The Face Item was released in April 2008
The Neck Item was released in July 2008
my email is [email removed for privacy – thanks!]



The head item was released in May 2008.

The face item was released in March 2008.

The neck item was released in July 2008.

zezo 1 2001

zezo 1 2001

Red hard hat 30 may 2008
Blue mail bug july 14 2008
swirly glasses march 28 2008

i hope im the winner!
twitter @zezo12001



The head item was released in May 2008.

The face item was released in March-April 2008.

The neck item was released in July 2008.



The red hard hat was given to cpip testers in May 2008
The swirly glasses was a free item at the april fools party in April 2008
The blue bag was released in June 2008 through penguin mail



Head item was released in May 2008

Face item was released in March 2008

Neck item released in July 2008

Jack 55588

Jack 55588

Train, there’s a new EPF message.



Head Ittem (Red Hard Hat) was released on May 30, 2008 after CPIP (Club Penguin Improvement Project)
Face Item (Swirly Glasses) was released on March 28, 2008 on the April Fools’ Party
Neck Item (Blue Mail Bag) was released on July 14, 2008 when Penguin Mail was released



The head item was released in May 2008
The face item was released in March 2008
The neck item was released in July 2008



The head item was released in May 2008.

The face item was released in March 2008.

The neck item was released in July 2008.



Red Hard Hat- May 2008
Swirly Glasses- April 2008
Blue Mail Bag- July 2008

Thejakeshow 2

Thejakeshow 2

1. The head item was released on May 30 2008 for penguins who participated in the CPIP.
2. The Swirly Glasses were released during the April fools day party 2008. It hasn’t returned since.
3. The Blue Mail Bag was released July 14 2008 when penguin mail was first released.
Hope I Win! And also, train? My email was wrong before, if i won, just send me the things in the new email. Thanks. Good Luck to everyone! :D

Thejakeshow 2

Thejakeshow 2

Sorry, can i edit my answers? The swirly glasses were released March 28- April 2 during the April fools day party 2008. Sorry sorry sorry! Please let this count, i forgot the mounth! Thanks so much! :)

Herberts fan

Herberts fan

1. The head item (red hard hat) was released in May 2008
2. The face item (swirly glasses) was released in March 2008
3. The neck item (blue mail bag) was released in July 2008
I remember these when I used to play cp even more before and got me into memories and think hard.



The head item was released in May 2008.
The face item was released in March 2008.
The neck item was released in July 2008.



Also, my email is [email removed for privacy – thanks!].



The Head Item is the Red Hard Hat, and it was released in May 30, 2008 for the CPIP Users.
The face item are the Swirly Glasses they were released during March 28th, 2008.
The neck item is the Blue Mail Bag, it was released on July 2008, along with the penguin mail.



The head item was released in May 2008.
The face item was released in March 2008.
The neck item was released in July 2008



I’m still confused on how to enter this but i’m just gonna say the real date they were released (I hope I’m right)
The Red Hard Hat was released in May 30, 2008
The Swirly Glasses were released in March 28, 2008 to April 2, 2013
The Blue Mail Bag was released in July 14, 2008



The head item was released May 2008
The face item was released March 2008
The neck item was released July 2008



Train number 7 from yesterday contest is supposed to be false based on what your wrote: “True or false: Club Penguin did NOT have a April Fool’s Day Party in 2010 – TRUE, they did – and it was fun!”
Isn’t it supposed to be false?



Yes sorry.

Ashan (@Ashan227)

Ashan (@Ashan227)

The red hard hat was released in April 2008

The swirly glasses were released in April 2007

The blue mailbag was released in July 2008



The Red Construction Hat was in May 2008, The Swirly Glasses were in March 2008, and the Blue Mail Bag was in July 2008



Red Hard Hat: May 2008
Swirly Glasses: March 2008
Blue Mail Bag: July 2008

Tree Cheez

Tree Cheez

1. Red Hard Hat (head) [Release On May 30, 2008] All players who participated in the Club Penguin Improvement Project.
2. Swirly Glasses (face) [Release March 28, 2008]- April Fools’ Party 2008.
3. Blue Mail Bag (neck) [ Release of Penguin Mail on July 14, 2008. ] Post Office

Tree Cheez

Tree Cheez

I don’t gonna post my email for spam,but yes my twitter is @tree_cheez and my email is on email form.. :’3



The head item was released in May 2008.
The face item was released in March 2008.
The neck item was released in July 2008.



the head item was released in may 2008
the face item was released in june 2007
the neck item was realeasd in july 2008



head item- released in May 2008
face item- released in March 2008
neck item- released in July 2008



Sorry, I made a typo for #7. It’s false.

Cute man622

Cute man622

#6. is false as well.When you have 1 million coin you can still get coins via puffle dig



train for number 7 it says did not have an april fools party in 2010 and u said its true because they had one isn’t it suppose to be false because they did have an april fools party in 2010.



It was a mistake, it’s been fixed though! :)



The face item, (Swirly glasses,) was released April 2008 (April fools party.)
The head item, (Red hard hat,) was released May 2008.
The neck item, (Blue mail bag,” was released July 2008.

(E-mail: [email removed for privacy – thanks!])




The Head item was released in May 2008

The Face Item was released in March 2008

The Neck item was released in July 2008

My email its [email removed for privacy – thanks!] :D



The red hard hat was released in May 2008.

The swirly glasses were released in March 2008.

The Blue Mail Bag was released in July 2008.

email: [email removed for privacy – thanks!]



the head item was released in may 2008.
the face item was released in march 2008.
the neck item was released in july 2008.

Cute man622

Cute man622

Head item – Red Hard Hat – May 30, 2008
Face item – Swirly Glasses – march 28 2008
Neck item – Blue Mail Bag – July 14, 2008



1. The Red Hard Hat in May 2008 :)
2. The Swirly Glasses O.o in March-April 2008 (during an April Fool’s Party) :)
and 3. The Blue Mail Bag (I Love blue :P) in June 2008 :)

2008 was the best year ever :)




The head item was released in May 2008.

The face time was released in March 2008.

The neck item was released in July 2008.



The head item was released in May 2008
The face item was released in March 2008
The neck item was released in July 2008



Head: May 2008
Face: March 2008
Neck: July 2008!



The Red Hard Hat was released in May 2008.
The Swirly Glasses were released in April 2008.
The Blue Mail Bag was released in July 2008.



The head item (which is the red hard hat) was released in 30th May, 2008.

The face item (which is the swirly glasses) was released in 28th March, 2008. (It was valid till 2nd April, right before my birthday heheh, just saying ;p)

The neck item (which is the blue mail bag) was released in 14th July, 2008.

Haha, to be honest, all these items I got them whenIi started playing club penguin, and surprising ly i remembered all of them XD



Head item: May 2008
Face item: March 2008
Neck item: July 2008

luis ver

luis ver

ha! April Fools 2010 was my first april fools it was impossible for me to fail in that :D
now for the items
The Head item: the Red Hard Hat was released in May 2008 after CPIP
the face one: the swirly glasses were released in March 2008
and the neck one the blue mail bag was released in july 2008
so specifically all the items were released in 2008 :p



The head item was released in May 2008.

The face item was released in March 2008.

The neck item was released in July 2008.



The head item was released in May 30, 2008

The face item was released in March 28, 2008

The neck item was released in July 14, 2008



The example does not have the right answers.



The head item was released in May 2008.

The face item was released in March 2008.

The neck item was released in July 2008.



The head item was released in May 2008.

The face item was released in March 2008.

The neck item was released in July 2008.

(My e-mail is [email removed for privacy – thanks!])



Train, i have not understanded right have i answered good? why not you approved my comment

Mimi poko

Mimi poko

1.The head item was released in May 30,2008. (Red Hard Hat) :)

2.The face item was released in March 28th 2008. (Swirly Glasses) ^^

3.The neck item was released in July 15th 2008. (Blue mail bag) :D



The head item was released in May 2008

The face item was released in March 2008

The neck item was released in July 2008

Lukeleia75, the new Kack

Lukeleia75, the new Kack

The head item was released in May 2008

The face item was released in March 2008

The neck item was released in July 2008



A wild reply just appeared!



The Red Hard Hat was released on May 30 2008!
The Swirly glasses were released on March 28 2008!
The Blue mail bag was released on july 14, 2008!



The head item was released in May 2008.
The face item was released in March 2008.
The neck item was released in July 2008.



Red Construction Hat: This item was released in May 2008
Swirly Glasses: This item was released in March-April 2008
Blue Mail Bag: This item was released in July 2008



The head item was released in May 2008 (two days before June).

The face item was released in March 2008 (technically three days before April).

The hand item was released in July 2008.



Head item – May 2008
Face item – March 2008
Neck item – July 2008



*Head Item: May 2008, obtainable from CPIP
*Face Item: March 2008 during the April Fools Party 2008
*Neck Item: July 2008

The head item was released in May, 2008. It is called Red hard hat.

The face item was released in April, 2008. It is called Swirly Glasses.

July, 2008 Blue Mail Bag



The head item was released in May, 2008. It is Red Hard Hat.

The face item was released in April, 2008. It is Swirly Glasses.

The neck item was released in July, 2008. It is Blue Mail Bag.



The Head Item was released in May 2008

The Face Item was released in April 2008

The Neck Item was released in July 2008

Lion P

Lion P

The head item was released in May 2008. (Red Hard/Construction Hat).
The face item was released in March 2008. (Swirly Glasses).
The neck item was released in July 2008. (Blue Mail Bag).

A funny thing is that I joined exactly one day before the Blue Mail Bag was released, and I’m glad I now have this item! :3



Head (Red Hard Hat): May 2008
Face (Swirly Glasses): March 2008
Neck (Blue Mail Bag): July 2008



The head item was released in May 2008
The face item was released in march 2008
The neck item was released in July 2008



The head item was released on May 30, 2008

The face item was released on March 28, 2008

The neck item was released on July 14, 2008.



The head item was released in May 2008.

The face item was released in March 2008.

The neck item was released in July 2008.



The head item was released in May 2008.
The face item was released in March 2008.
The neck item was released in July 2008.



The red mining helmet was a CPIP item and was released in May 2008
The swirly glasses were given out during the April Fools Party in late March 2008
The blue mail bag was a postcard item and was released in July 2008



The head item was released in May 2008

The face item was released in March 2008

The neck item was released in July 2008



The Red Hard Hat was released in May 2008.

The Swirly Glasses were released in March 2008.

The Blue Mail Bag was released in July 2008.



The head item (Red Hard Hat) was released in May 2008.

The face item (Swirly Glasses) was released in March 2008.

The neck item (Blue Mail Bag) was released in July 2008.



The head item was released in May 2008 for CPIP testers. (I have it! :D)

The face item was released in March 2008 for the April Fools’ Party.

The neck item was released in July 2008 after the release of Penguin Mail.



Red Hard Hat: May 30th, 2008
Swirly Glasses: March 28th, 2008
Blue Mail Bag: July 14th, 2008



The head item was released in May 2008

The face item was released in March 2008

The neck item was released in July 2008

~Perapin :)



The head item was released in May 30, 2008! The face item was released in March 28, 2008! The neck item was released in July 14, 2008!



The head item was released in May 2008.

The face item was released in March 2008.

The neck item was released in July 2008.



The head item (Red hard hat) was released in May 2008.

The face item (Swirl glasses) was released in March 2008.

The neck item (Blue mail bag) was released in July 2008.

And do u want my e-mail? It is [email removed for privacy – thanks!] .

zezo 1 2001

zezo 1 2001

hey trainman who is the winner?



Winners will be announced very soon!



Wow it is really hard. Going to enter tomorrow hope that it will be easier. Meanwhile, i will keep searching



Hey trainman I don t know why but I can’t see the pictures.