On This Day In Club Penguin History – November 17

By / November 17, 2012

On the 17th of November there have been a handful of updates spread out across the years 2008 and 2011. The big update in 2008 on November 17th was the grand Re-Opening of the Dojo. As a result the digging the snow out of the Dojo Courtyard ended and you could now see the full room. Penguins could now become ninjas for the first time, playing Card-Jitsu until they earned their Black Belt and then beat Sensei for the Ninja Mask. The Dojo Hideout was also released.

As for 2011, there was a new field op and other updates. The field op was the 55th one. The location was the bottom right corner of the Cove in the water next to the Catchin’ Waves Game Upgrades Catalogue. The game to complete the field op was matching symbols before time ran out. Other updates on the 17th of November included construction for the upcoming Card-Jitsu Party later in the month (the following week) and the Blue Fish Pin being released. It was located on the left side of the Snow Forts. It is also worth noting that a lite (free) version of Puffle Launch for iOS was released on the iTunes Store. Also, the paid version of Puffle Launch was updated to version 1.1 and featured bug fixes and also new levels.

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iTunes store?



Yeah, iTunes App Store.

Shawdow Guy1

Shawdow Guy1

Hey Train is their is a new code for everyone it is [REMOVED]



I don’t post magazine codes on my website. Thanks anyway.

Cool Man8172

Cool Man8172

Hey! I haven’t commented for a while but I have been reading your posts!(All your posts) Anyway, can you make me a Logo saying Cool Man8172 but same style as Club penguin or Club Penguin Memories but just saying Cool Man8172!
Thanks! This is for my blog.



I don’t know how to do Club Penguin’s font/design with text, sorry. My friend Pochoma123 did the word memories in its design for me.



You know I felt like doing old PSA missions today so I went to the EPF Command Room and I just remembered…the VR Room is on fire!

Lol. :)



There’s a cheat to still access it. ;)



Yeah its one of those “Still Access Rooms in Club Penguin”, right?

But, I don’t want to risk being banned so I don’t want to do it. :)




Blue 28z

Blue 28z

Train, I know you can use the cheat to access the VR room, but what about for all penguins who don’t know: they’ll never be able to complete their stamp book! Also, check out my blog: Herbert has taken over, be sure to check out the sidebar and footer!



I looked. Nice! :) And good point about the stamp books!



I can’t believe it’s since ninjas were released. Feels like it was yesterday. :)



Was this when the Geta sandals, one of my favorite feet items, were released?



They were released on the 14th of November, a few days before the launch of Card-Jitsu.