Club Penguin Blog: Smoothie Smash Sneak Peek

By / August 27, 2012

If you check out the Club Penguin Blog today, you’ll notice a new post from Happy77 relating to the new Smoothie Smash game. While we first caught a glimpse of it in the video Daffodaily5 posted, the sneak peek image we were given is much clearer and larger. Also for some reason a different font size/look was used in this post on the blog.

Club Penguin Smoothie Smash

Not much was said in the blog post other than that it will be released this Thursday, on August 30th, in the Coffee Shop. In the comments section she did reply to several comments stating that this game will be permanent to the Coffee Shop and that it will have stamps, which I previously posted about just over a month ago.

This will be the second game in the Coffee Shop and third in the Coffee Shop and Book Room combination. Bean Counters and Mancala have been a part of Club Penguin ever since the beginning of the game and have not been updated at all aside from when Bean Counters was given a fresh look and updated game modes last March. Paint By Letters was a game in the Book Room Bookshelf from 2008 – 2012.

The following page has been updated:

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thank you so much! i was looking for a while on how to find these and you were the first person to answer my question i would really appreciate it if you could post more anyway thanks a lot



Are those Club Penguin files? I been going to media1 things..



I have all of them.



RIP the coffee shop we’ve known and loved for nearly seven years. Anniversary parties will never be the same in some new sleek disneyfied version of our precious cafe.



Agree. I don’t know why they change… :(



Are they changing the whole Coffee Shop? No… please… no!



The worst thing is that now Aniversary Parties are the same time as Halloween Parties, so they make creepy cakes and dark hats :(



You forget about the paint by letters!

The Random Guy said this stuff

The Random Guy said this stuff

hey train i heard that they will re design are penguins like the ones in the beta login thing i have an image too just email me to get it

The Random Guy said this stuff

The Random Guy said this stuff

hey train what word-press theme do you use and is it free?



Magazine Basic. It is free.