Club Penguin Magazine Issue 2 (Portuguese Version)
While I am not Portuguese nor do I speak Portuguese, Club Penguin Memories does receive a fair amount of visitors from Brazil and Portugal, so I might as well share the information even though several Portuguese specific Club Penguin Cheats websites have already done so.
Anywho, it was brought to my attention by Marlon58670 that the second issue of the Portuguese localisation of the Club Penguin magazine was originally supposed to come out on August 9th, but was delayed until this Thursday, August 30th.
If you compare it to the European Club Penguin Magazine Issue 2 you’ll see that it is almost the exact same thing, just in Portuguese and contains some other minor changes. Basically, the Portuguese version is almost identical to the English version but is six issues behind. (since the 8th issue just recently came out in the United Kingdom)
Here is a front cover translation from Oarca
(Top) Disney Club Penguin (TM) The Magazine
(Top right) Free! Seven days of membership for you! (Unlock items online)
(Bottom left) 1,000 coins for all readers!
(Bottom right) Rockhopper special!
I’m crossing my fingers so they bring it to Mexico.
i hope they bring it to the us i mean seriously a ton of us pengis play cp
hey im in uk thats nearly same
i knew they were just testing it out for u. k.! 6 issues behind… u.s.a. will be 12 behind!!!! DO THE MATH…
febuary 2013!
what does a revista mean? a revision?
It means magazine.
and that would be when rockhopper comes! u.s.a.
rockhopper will also probably come on christmas
But, Panini publish the UK magazine, and wouldn’t it be copyrighted, plus Panini is an Italian company, and Club Penguin UK work with the UK sub-division. To the looks of things, its published by Abril.
With very small likeliness a US version of the magazine will arrive in 2013, as rumours above say, us Brits, aren’t what Jeremy Clarkson called us on Twitter, but we will hopefully, get off our lazy butts, scan in the magazine and publish it somewhere on the internet.
I’m sure Club Penguin has some sort of licensing thing, I don’t know. They (Club Penguin) authorise it so it’s nothing shady or anything.
Why do it not come to norway i want it in here it is not fere
Hey, Train! Let me translate this for you as I speak portugese!
(Top) Disney Club Penguin (TM) The Magazine
(Top right) Free! Seven days of membership for you! (Unlock items online)
(Bottom left) 1,000 coins for all readers!
(Bottom right) Rockhopper special!
pues me gusta esta pagina un poco