Club Penguin Games (Olympics) Coming Next Month?
Today two interesting pictures were passed along to me by Phineas99, who found out about them from Danpengui. After a minute or two of doing my usual tips and tricks I located the unwatermarked source of these images. (the ones I was given were marked up)
As much as I’d love to give out unwatermarked images, due to constant copying without credit, like usual with recent exclusive images I’ve posted I have given them a fair amount of watermarking.
The first room is the Dock, turned into an airport. The text on the building says Island Hopper Air. It doesn’t totally look like the Dock though, but I know it is because of the catalogue icon in the bottom right corner.
The second is the homepage. The screenshot was actually taken in November, as the what’s new text links to this post on the Club Penguin Blog from November 2011. The homepage shows Acropolis, a place in Greece. Doesn’t the items being worn by the red penguin remind you of the items that come with the next Club Penguin magazine issue?
So what do you think? Is there going to be some sort of Penguin Games next month in August? You can look at the 2006 Sports Party here and the 2008 Penguin Games Party here.
Wow! Thanks for sharing that sneak peek!
Waddle On,
Club Penguin Australian Team.
Is that the Real CP team?
How exactly would something like this be fake? I verified it’s real. It’s by someone who works/worked for Club Penguin and did concept artwork.
As of the second picture, I agree. It’s so … not Club Penguin.
An airport? Maybe we’ll be traveling to new islands?
That is simply just so awesome! It might be true, atleast I hope so.
But Azeemsky blog has theory for Sport Shop Rebuilt Party and EPF Recon exclusive.
I don’t know which one I believe more, I guess this one, but I hope both of them will happen some day!!
I think he’s referring to the comment saying it’s the Club Penguin Australian Team.
In the second screenshot.. Theres a hot pink puffle on the right?
In the second picture, I noticed a golden road leading into the ocean….maybe it is some new party room?
Typo. You put “born” by the red penguin instead of “worn.”
Interesting. I remember the CP games, good times. Anyways, it looks more like the 2007 party, Camp Penguin. Of course, the second image may overrule that. I guess we will see this August.
Don’t you mean “worn” not “born”
Fake -_- Looking
Nature Trail where we find Magenta Puffles?
Seems unlikely…
Judging by the looks of this, it looks like this is the party the life vest and life ring are coming out. ;)
On the homepage picture, if it was LAST YEAR, what happened LAST YEAR, for them to have that homepage. They change the homepage when something is on.
The airport actually makes the Recon Team fit into place. They said you will fly in the apparent email from the dudes uncle. Here is a flying thingy-dingy-gadget bobby.
Oh! And nice watermarking on CW, it looks SOO over the top ;)
The first image is NOT official, it’s made by someone.
I did research on the guy and he lives in Kelowna. Where Club Penguin is located. It’s concert artwork.
Then why did the CP worker release a picture to the internet? In other words, how did you even found this picture? Oh and what was the party on November 2011? They only update it when a part starts, and I do not think their was a party like this in November, can you explain to me more better? And still why would he give a sneek peek if he works for CP?????
It’s on a certain website.
November 2011 party:
If you are right, and that guy is from Club Penguin, he said thanks for sharing the sneak peek. So it is obviously going to happen, unless he is a fake, right? The pictures don’t look too convincing to me though, the graphics are not that good, shame you have to watermark them ~ I always give you credit if I use some of your information. If not, it’s illegal.
Hey heres an idea it could be some sort of a world adventure party! Im guessing this because we have Greece and at the dock we have an Canadian sort of setting so thats my guess!
London games 2012 worldwild
WOOOOW! I had no idea of this..that´s why the upcoming items of the CP Magazine are related to this…this will ROCK!
[…] en el blog de Cp Memories Nos dieron un adelanto de lo que puede ser la fiesta de JJ.OO ( Juegos Olimpicos ) en el mes de […]
Thanks for giving me credit and also giving credit to Danpengui :)
Although the homepage doesn’t seem very real at all, Danpengui said it might not be real the second picture although the 1st one looks more realistic
I’m calling fakes on it. The graphics are terrible! Plus too big of a sneak peek.
I asked them in an email a few days ago and they said they dont know yet. Maybe it is the Adventure Party?
I don’t know why, but the first picture reminded me of Total Drama Island. xD
OMG the penguin games party returns,Its been so many years ago and it will be my first penguin games party.
Now that I am looking again, this is a bit fishy. Where is the Lighthouse in the second pic? The first pic could be real though.
I’ve thought of several possibilities…
-Adventure Party
-Camp Penguin (It looks like camp supplies?)
-Penguin Games
-Roman Party (I added that to this list just to add it. :P)
Check clubpenguincp’s site! They copied us! UGH, I hate that site, i’m guessing that’s why you don’t work with ClubPenguinCP now, and had quitted working that site, yeah i even deleted their blog of my blogroll.
Never,EVER go to ClubPenguinCP, a very sad place…
i think a olympic games party is reay coming in august because the real live olympic games in london are going start 27 july, so cp did release a penguin games party 4 years ago + with the uk mag otem sneak peek ot all makes sence
i forgot to say that u said that the life vest or life ring would return soon so maybe its true,a olypic games party ^_^
Happy77 here
See how billybob said thank you well trainman you should show heaps of sneak peaks without your name on them so they can see the full photo
Thanks For Reading
It’s not CP Support/Happy77 leaving these comments.
Well, How about the EPF party on August as stated on the Magazine?
can you put your name out of the picture plz? i cant see what it says in the house but I tried to see and it says: island explorer.
Trainman1405, I checked my calender and November 14 is a Wednesday!
that’s weird because parties normally start on a Thursday or a Friday the first picture is starting convince me but the second is a little fake however you can see the pontoon at the dock but no hydro-hopper? what do you think Trainman1405?????
I do not know
There might be olympics next month. Maybe…
On the sencond picture, what does it say.. I know it says “What’s New This Week …..” That’s all I can read of it. -Nelsonbob101 :D
I think it says ”What’s new this week:November 14”
Plus the second picture looks fake
can i use these
Sure, just give credit.
on the second picture where is the lighthouse even if the whole island is decorated there will still be something there, there is always something there?
But it IS pretty weird that there’s a seal there.(Considering that Seals EAT penguins :P)
Is the red penguin a relative of Rockhopper? The eyebrows and adventurous smile say HECK YEAH!
you can’t just watermark pictures you found unwatermarked without giving credit to the original source. you know that, right?
Too bad you’re not the content owner.
Lol, ok thanks for admitting you just violated copyrights, ill be sure to let your host know.
Good luck with filing copyright on something you don’t own. That can get you in trouble. I’ll just file a counter notice.
dear trainman
this is still under raps we might have the party in septemper taking away the fair but desided not this party will come in either january march august
or november of 2013 sorry for the way early sneak peak
waddle on
cool cant wait to see what happens
So, was that fake all the time? Or was it a concept, that then was destroyed by CP?
Sad. I would love to see this party on Club Penguin.