On This Day In Club Penguin History – April 12

By / April 14, 2015

On the 12th of April Club Penguin has updated in 2012. That year there was a new furniture catalogue, a new igloo catalogue, a new field op mission, Earth Day Party construction, and a new login screen advertising that party.

The theme of the new furniture was plants and animals for Earth Day. This catalog was also given a new “you found a secret!” sound and popup.


The new igloo in the igloo catalogue was the Wildlife Den.

Also in 2012 the 77th field op was released. Here is Gary’s mission orders:

We’ve tried twice to lure Herbert out of hiding, using EPF secrets and technology. This week, we’re going to try something drastic. Here are your orders. Find a computer outside of our headquarters. Break into EPF security, and leave the computer unattended.

You had to go to the computer at the Recycling Center then complete the mission by decrypting the passcode in the mini-game.

The final two updates in 2012 have to do with Earth Day. Preparation on the island began and a new login screen advertising the party was added. For the preparation a few small plants were growing at the Snow Forts the week before the event began.


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