On This Day In Club Penguin History – February 18

By / February 18, 2015

On the 18th of February there were several updates in 2011. The biggest update was the Puffle Party for that year. To celebrate during the party, Cadence waddled around. (PH was not a mascot until 2012) The Brown Puffle was also now available for adoption in the Pet Shop! It cost 800 coins and at the time members could now adopt up to 20 puffles, up two from 18. There was also a new login screen advertising the party.


Aside from those updates there were also few new stamps. There was the Party Puffle stamp which was unlocked by walking your puffle to its designated room at the Puffle Party and also some new System Defender stamps, although they were added by mistake – there was no corresponding level released to unlock the stamps. They were later removed. To this day System Defender still has unreleased stamps.


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