On This Day In Club Penguin History – September 29

By / September 29, 2014

On this day in Club Penguin there were updates in 2006 and 2011. In 2006 there was a new pin and you could now walk your Puffle and in 2011 there were new Fair prizes and a new field op.

Starting with 2006, a new pin, Club Penguin’s 15th one, was hidden. It was the Telescope Pin and you could find it at the Mountain. The other new update on this day was the ability to walk your Puffle on a leash around the island. Overtime Club Penguin has built upon the ability to take your Puffle outside of your igloo, as now you can have your Puffle dig for treasure and perform tricks when taking it for a walk.

Skipping ahead to the 2011 Fair, new prizes were added to the booths. The Sundae Surprise and Balloonist Hat were added at the nonmember prize booth. At the member prize booth the Every Flavor Ice Cream, Unicycle, and Lemon Balloon were added. The Unicycle item does a special dance, too.

Club Penguin Fair 2011 Prize Booth

The 49th field op was also released, located in the Boiler Room next to the newspaper archives. (the left side). Club Penguin also re-added the Official Annual 2012 Book and added the Card-Jitsu Handbook to unlock, as they were removed for a short period of time.


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the squid hug <3