Polo Field Gets Suspended On Twitter, Informs Us Via His Blog
This morning I awoke around one in the afternoon to many mentions on Twitter informing me that Polo Field’s Twitter account, which has been in the news a lot lately, was suspended! I continued to receive what was probably around fifty messages throughout the day from penguins around the community telling me that it happened. (and thanks to all of you – Pinguguy was first to tell me!) Both myself and others put the blame on his recent mass unfollowing and mass tweet deleting, and it turns out that appears to be the cause of his account suspension.
Just a little while ago he made a post about his account suspension on his PoloField.net blog. Below is an excerpt of what he wrote. If you want to read the full thing, go to his website here In addition to talking about his account suspension he said he’ll be closing down that blog later this year, once Club Penguin revamps their blog like Polo Field tweeted earlier this month. Of course, the tweet was deleted the other day and his account suspended today, so technically it no longer exists. Oh well. Here’s the promised excerpt from his blog post:
So today was… interesting. Apparently Twitter doesn’t appreciate it when you delete 20,000 tweets. I learned that the hard way when I had my Twitter account suspended today.
Also, Polo Field said to some penguins directly on Club Penguin that his Twitter account has been restricted due to company rules…which probably explains why Businesmoose never replied to penguins let alone tweeted, why Spike Hike isn’t allowed to post fan art that has our penguin name or real name in it, and of course why Polo Field had to unfollow us all and delete his tweets…I know I want to work for Club Penguin when I’m older but I wouldn’t want to if my account had to be restricted like theirs were!
Maybe this is why so many people like Lane or Happy77 left Club Penguin! there were a lot of restricting rules and they felt like its not fun anymore,so they left!
Nope, Lane wanted to create a new company. Holly (Happy) wanted to take care of her children.
Well, if Club Penguin has sooo resticted rules, I don’t wanna go for designing for any site! Τhis option is only removed from the list ‘What will I be when I grow up’.To conclude I have to choose between teacher, piano solist and teacher of informatics. Sigh……… So hard to choose…… lol?!
Isso não retira o que ele seja mal!
Train, do you think that Polo Field will stop acting so weird? It’s strange and starting to make me worry… I hope this is the end of all of this! Do you think that this all means something..? :D
Dunno, hopefully.
He’s not quitting CP, is he? Hopefully just quitting Twitter! D:
Sorry, Airplane, its called a ‘hashtag’. Its not a new twitter account… Twitter accounts are like @polofield not like #freepolo. :)
Ugh this is why I HATE Disney in CP… Disney sponsored parties, Disney, Disney, Disney….Ugh I am SO MAD
Yeah, Disney, atleast theres no pokemon everywhere >_<
Yeah, Disney, atleast theres no pokemon everywhere >_<