On This Day In Club Penguin History – January 12
All of the updates on the 12th of January in Club Penguin History occurred last year in 2012. There were four different updates. When logging into Club Penguin many penguins noticed a new login screen advertising that month’s party/event, the Underwater Expedition, which was held by Rookie.
There was also a new pin hidden. It was the Conch Shell Pin and you could pick it up from the Iceberg. Also, The Twelfth Fish stage play was re-released. The set was the same but the script was totally rewritten by Rookie. Finally, the 64th field op was released. It was at the Recycling Centre. To complete it you had to power the chipset by guiding the micro battery.
The following items were mentioned in this article:
Those were good times good times
It was last year!
Who cares if it was last year ANGUS!!!
This was my 7th day playing CP. I remember it like it was yesterday. :)
can you PLEASE note on the 16th its my penguins b-day?named lego ghost1
If I remember I will.
i remember ALL of this!
Yea, before it started I used to think we would find a Hot Pink Puffle. *sigh*
I remember that so well!
this party was awsome
Club penguin updated the login with a red button at the top.
It’s gone now!
Can i meet you today Train?
P.S Did you see my postcards?
I can’t meet today but I can tomorrow! And as long as you sent me postcards I did see them – I look at each and every one. :)
I remember this. :)
Train how do i put a picture next to my name?
oops sorry for the name thing but how do you put a picture on that white person in the grey background next to my name? (on the left)
That picture is automatic.
Sign up with gravatar.com and then when posting a comment on Club Penguin Memories, in the email box you put in the email you used to sign up on Gravatar.
I remember posting about the new login screen on January 12th, 2012. xD
What a disgrace…
Any party that ends in “Expedition”…automatically is awful, and this underwater one topped it off. Anvils for non-members…get out of town…
Everyone, agree with me. :D
The expeditions I loved the most from best to worst for me are:
*Wilderness Expedition
*Underwater Expedition
*Cave Expedition
*Mountain Expedition (Not counting 2011)