On This Day In Club Penguin History – January 11

By / January 11, 2013

On the 11th of January there has been one year with updates. That year is 2008. There was one minor update and one large update. Since the minor one is very minor, I’ll start out with it. Not too long before the heart emote, skull emote, and old :D emote were removed. (the :D one was simply changed) It is speculated the heart emote was removed due to all the dating and penguins hearting one another. However, many penguins requested it return to the game because they enjoyed using it for other purposes, such as hearting their Puffle. Club Penguin agreed and re-added it back.

Screen Shot 2013-01-11 at 1.12.04 AM

As for the major update, Club Penguin’s third ever Stage Play was released. It was Squidzoid vs Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal. Since its initial release it has been at the Stage seven times total. It has only received minor set, catalogue, and script changes overtime.

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Space 1246

Space 1246

Why will they not bring back the skull emote?



Because penguins used it for a symbol of death or something. At least that’s what I think.



They also used it as a sign of extreme hate and it tended to cause arguments.



Ingenious picture, Train!



Some people still use the heart emote for dating and I like trains

Pj Monster 1 CP

Pj Monster 1 CP

Really!?! Loving puffles, ok heres my rant about that:
1. Puffles dont respond or do anything
2. That was just a crumy excuse to get the heart and have relationships again.
3. Im sorry CP team but you guys are easily influenced.