Businesmoose Now Has His Own Blog (and blogs on Polo Field’s website)
Back in October Polo Field announced his personal blog, PoloField.net. He has since made a handful of posts on there, and today he announced that Businesmoose will now be blogging for him. As said on the announcement post:
Businesmoose is now an author on my WordPress site. Welcome, Mr. Moose!
Not only that, but today Businesmoose has registered Businesmoose.com and has just set up a blog on it, although currently there is no content. UPDATE: He has made his first post!
So if you’re interested in seeing what Polo Field and Businesmoose are up to, I recommend you check out both of their websites.
sweet and 1st
are you gonna comment on his web Train?
O hey Trainman1405
Actually there is one up now about someone making him a sculpture and it is cool
Awsm now I can look at both blogs.
dude,even a club penguin mod works with you! your the best blogger ever
Trainman1405 remember me on Clubpenguin im keyshawn881