On This Day In Club Penguin History – November 24

By / November 24, 2012

The 24th of November in Club Penguin History has had some pretty big updates across three different years. The three years with updates on November 24th are 2006, 2009, and 2011. Starting with 2006 since it is the first year with an update on the 24th of November, there were three updates. Several weeks before the newspaper had a poll where you could vote for what new penguin colour you wanted. The choices were Lime Green or Lavender. In the end Lime Green won, so a special members only party was held in the Dojo, which was hidden on the map at the time. Members could get this colour a few days early before it was released in the December 2006 Penguin Style for everyone. Members could also pick up a free Lime Green Cape at the Dojo. This party inspired the Lime Green Dojo Clean Paint By Letters book, which is now no longer available to play in Club Penguin’s Book Room. The new pin hidden was the Life Ring pin, located at the Lighthouse. It was Club Penguin’s 19th pin. The final update in 2006 was the ability to bathe Puffles.

Skipping ahead three years to 2009, the Card-Jitsu Fire game was released for members. At the time stamps were not a thing on Club Penguin (they were added in 2010) so you could only play the game for the items to become a Fire Ninja.

Finally, most recently in 2011, the Card-Jitsu Party was released. Along with the party was the new Battle of the Ancient Shadows play at the Stage. During this party both Card-Jitsu Fire and Card-Jitsu Water were made for nonmembers temporarily so they could join in on the fun. This is the only members only game to date that Club Penguin has given nonmembers full unrestricted access for a limited time.

The following items were mentioned in this article:

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I remember Paint By Letters. I think that was the second game I ever played.



why did they remove paint by letters?



Not many penguins played it.

Dj Pingy8

Dj Pingy8

Paint By Letters was really fun!



I think i was at the car jitsu party,i got the two headbands,was it that one?
– Shera54321






i hate that it happened love it so much about to cry



crying so bad hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaattttteeeeee it