On This Day In Club Penguin History – November 16

By / November 16, 2012

Note from Trainman1405: I could have done an On This Day In Club Penguin History post yesterday (November 15th) however I have no pictures of the update – it was the November 2005 Furniture Catalogue, as it was released on November 15, 2005. Oh well. Here’s November 16th!

On the 16th of November in Club Penguin History there have been updates on one single year to date. That year is 2007. There were two updates on November 16, 2007. Up until November 2007, the Plaza had no Stage – it was just empty space filled with tables for sitting between the Pet Shop and Pizza Parlour. Oh, and quick side note – did you know the Dojo was originally going to go where the Stage currently is? I bet you didn’t know that! Anyway, the construction to build the Stage had started earlier in the month and completed on the 16th of November. Penguins could access the room for the first time ever! The first ever Stage Play to be on Club Penguin is Space Adventure.

Special thanks to Detpenguin for letting me use his picture so many years ago!

In addition to the Stage being released a new furniture catalogue for the month was released. The new items for that month was Snow Furniture. Specifically, items such as the Snow Couch, Snow Deck Chair, and Penguin Ice Sculpture amongst others.

The following items were mentioned in this article:

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I remember that! I miss Space Adventure. It was the best play ever. It hasn’t come back since March 2008.



Then when it comes back nobody bothers with it.



it just came back in october.dont u guys remember



Hey Trainman!

I’ve been meaning to ask you if your going to start up a new Club Penguin Renders Site. I used to go on your old one, http://cprenders.piczo.com/?cr=5, until you left Piczo completely. So, are you making a new WordPress version or are just not going to do it anymore? I understand if your not going to do it, because having lots of sites are a ton of work!

Sorry that this is very unrelated to the post. :)



Oh sorry I posted twice, you can delete one of them and this comment. :)



Train! Bug! If you go to the spa room of Operation Backout, It will have the Hidden Lake sound!



It’s normal for me!



I think it’s fixed already :P



Train! Bug! If you go to the spa room of Operation Backout, It will have the Hidden Lake sound! And by the way, do you mind if you post about this video? Thanks!-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqDLn9i8QBY&feature=plcp