On This Day In Club Penguin History – October 4

By / October 4, 2012

Wow, lots of things for October 4th in Club Penguin History! Starting with 2006, version 1.2 of Club Penguin was released with some improvements. Here is what was posted on the Club Penguin Blog by Rsnail:

Hello Penguins!

I am proud to announce the release of Club Penguin version 1.20. We’ve been working hard on this for quite a while and we hope you enjoy it!

Here is a list of all the new features and improvements.

New and Updated Features:

  • New and improved login system
    • Players have the option to remember their Penguin
    • Players have the option to remember their password
  • Enhanced content loading systemUpdate: Puffles will now stay around longer before running away
    • Players can now cancel when loading maps or newspapers
    • The server will automatic try to reload content if loading fails
  • Added “+” quick key to toggle screen resolution
  • Added new (separate) reporting for bad penguin names
  • Added spy phone to player card
  • Faster loading of the game!

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed default color bug
  • Fixed enter key problem with chat bar
  • Fixed zero score bug when playing games
  • Fixed various item and furniture names
  • Fixed problem when viewing furniture after your membership expires
  • Fixed negative days when applying to be a secret agent
  • Plus lots more

Hopefully you all enjoy this update! Please remember to only save your password on your home computer. If you save it somewhere else (like at school) , someone else might use your account without your permission and spend all your coins. Also, never give out your password to anyone other than your parents.

Please remember that there might be some bugs with this new system, so please be patient and report all the bugs you find so we can get them fixed as quickly as possible.

We’ll update you on more stuff later this week.

Until then… Waddle On!

– Club Penguin Team
By rsnail on October 4, 2006 9:51 AM

Lots, I know! Moving right along, in 2010 on this day the 17th field op was released. It was located at the Pool where the glass windows are. The game was to crack the code with the symbols.

Finally, for 2011, there were also tons of updates. Updates included:

  • Penguin size increased in igloos
  • New unlock design released with treasure chest (what you now see when redeeming codes)
  • Treasure Book updated (and also added to the Gift Shop) – along with this any series coin code now unlocked the current treasure book
  • Puffle Hats released (and a login screen advertising them)
  • Membership page  updated
  • ‘Mobile’ link added to navbar
  • Gary sent a EPF message
  • Nyan Puffle: Part 2 uploaded to YouTube by Club Penguin
  • 50th field op (located at the Snow Forts Clock Tower, you had to find the matching shape for the game)
  • Fence Pin at the Beach on the rocks
  • …and finally, a new clothing catalogue for the month of October was released

Items mentioned in this article:

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Blue 28z

Blue 28z

Train, how do you do what you do: what I really want to know is how you made the stuff above the pages. You know, the bit that says ‘club penguin memories’ and the penguins. Please reply soon as I really want my blog to be more of a Club Penguin look, If you need to know, the editing porograms I use are ‘Paint’ and ‘Gimp 2’. Thx – Blue



I took the ‘Club Penguin’ from the Club Penguin logo and got my friend Riffy8888 to do the word ‘Memories for me’, then I combined it. Then I made an image with a solid blue background. For the penguins I just screenshot my outfit, change the playercard dark blue background to the background I use for the top header/banner images, resize them so they’re a bit smaller, then just add them to the left of Club Penguin and save it as one single image.

Blue 28z

Blue 28z

Thanks! Check out what I did on my blog!


I’m still working on my blog, any ideas?!?!?!?



Cool site! The only suggestion I have is make it so the red sidebar text is easier to read with the site background. :)

Blue 28z

Blue 28z

THX! Ill work on it later :)



trian, go to play.clubpenguin.com it both the old and new login screen at the same time!!! Wierd!!!!:O



What do you mean? How it switches?



In the 2011 section you listed the 50th field op twice.


