Club Penguin Blog Featured Igloos: September 10

By / September 10, 2012

Three new featured igloos have been published on the Club Penguin Blog. (whatever happened to featured fashions!?) Here they are!

Catie 88 said: “You have to see my bff Sparkly0806. Her iggy is AWESOME!”

Hannahmonta3 said: “Check out Sliparychil’s igloo! It’s an epic stranded island!”

Goldscott777 said: “Happy77, my brother worked really hard to make a tropical igloo! You should really check his out! His penguin name is Fred95921.”

Which of the three new featured igloos do you like the most?

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people obviously have no taste in igloos, or club penguin just likes to feature lame ones…



You obviously have no faith in others then, how would you like it if they featured you or worse, if someone said yours was lame.



no, it just gets annoying when i continuously submit my friends’ AMAZING igloos and this is what they post.



CP features igloos that they want to. They never said they had to be good



that doesn’t make sense, why would the feature the ones that they don’t think are good? Nevermind. I’ve had enough of this argument.



Trainman, we could talk of 2 things and make-up discussions,

The first thing is abut EPF, well we talked about this earlier but maybe you might recognize an episode of Regular Show, the Night Owl episode, maybe CP is doing similar to that, maybe there making it last forever just so they get POPULAR AND FAMOUS and make old people to keep playing club penguin to see what would happen and how it would end the EPF Story, might be the same with the stuff it might come soon which are unreleased, but it might never even come, which they might just do that to become more famous and popular which it might even mark part of the Universe’s history.

2nd thing is about UK getting all and CP, CP has started to bring MANY stuff in the UK, and they promised to bring it soon to other countries, but this is about what i’m talking, maybe CP is becoming racist, i mean, UK gets ALL the credit! Innocent Smoothies, the Yearbook cards, Magazines (Comparing to the Brasilian one, the UK one has MORE stuff), special offers, Sticker Albums, etc. And yet they have MANY stuff! In my country we DON’T EVEN HAVE WALMART! And maybe CP is just doing that to show respect to the UK, the Queen Isabel, and since (According to my old Geography book, it said UK is the country with more stuff, more chance to live, etc.) And which the UK is part of the realness, they might make fun of many people which they STILL don’t have many stuff, even the poor people (I am not saying all of the UK would be mean to others but some might be since there part of the realness) Remember Coins for Change? I bet CP isn’t ACTUALLY HELPING THE POOR COUNTRIES, instead, I BET THERE HELPING THE COUNTRY WHICH HAS IT ALL! I MEAN, I SEE THE SAME THING, AFRICA IS GETTING WORSE THAN EVER, COMPARING TO UK, IT IS GETTING BETTER THAN EVER, AND THEY YET JUST USE THE MONEY TO MAKE THE MERCHANDISE AND STUFF INSTEAD OF HELPING OTHERS, so, does that proves that CP is being racist? And with the video of Coins for Change, i bet they just used Green Screen, make-up people and how can you make virtual money into REAL MONEY? So what do you think Trainman?



I like the second one a lot. And Regular Show is cool. ;-)

Dj Stores

Dj Stores

Coins for Change is a vote. CP donate their own profits. Watch your mouth

King Hazard

King Hazard

I think you’ll find we get just as much as you. True we have the magazine but you have loads more merchandise (puffle/penguin plushes). It’s really annoying when people say the UK have more, because if anything, we don’t.



Thats exactly true! I watched a video going shopping and they had Herberts Drill and other cool figures and they got a plush puffle instead!! They should be thankful for their coolness. All we have are puffles in UK and Ireland!



I really agree with that second one. But Brazil is starting to get stuff we
Americans don’t. (Not that I live there.) Ex: Cp Magazines, Sticker album, Cp Trading cards)



USA get cool CP toys like Herberts Drill and UK only get smoothies, magazines and puffles!!!! USA get everything, come across the Atlantic and see! And of course Coins For Change is real, CP are nice, kind and giving and it was racist of you to think that. I’m very disappointed with this behaviour young man.



Club penguin is not being RACIST, that’s taking things a bit too far. They are just trying to make more money. but i have to agree, they’re giving way too much to the UK these days.



Im from Northern Ireland and we have magazines and smoothies! Thats all!



and its just stupid to say they’re not really donating. i mean really.



Well, but explain to me at least how when we donate coins on cp (virtual coins) to real life? (real money)



CP give the money, not virtual penguins! Its not as if RH travelled to Africa and Haiti and delivered virtual coins with no worth over there.



They’re not donating the virtual coins, they’re taking the number of virtual coins sand donating that many dollars. I thought CP made that pretty clear.



Actually they donate 2 million in total and if environment got 54% they would get 54% of 2 million dollars.



Btw today’s my birhtday! :D yesterday was my little brother’s birhtday



Happy birthday, Phineas!



Thnx train! =D



Happy Birthday from Jjoeyxx, thats an honour.