Concrete Proof Card-Jitsu Is Going Mobile
There has been tons of leaks and unofficial information that Card-Jitsu was being made into a mobile application by Club Penguin, but there was nothing ever officially said by the company to us penguins – until now.
Take a look at this image, second paragraph. I was on Disney’s jobs page for Kelowna and stumbled upon Nathan, who is a part of the Disney mobile team. He mentions Card-Jitsu for mobile.
So there we have it. After first hearing word about Card-Jitsu for iOS a year ago, a Card-Jitsu Snow tin claiming it, and most recently screenshots of Card-Jitsu for iOS, I’ve found official wording from Disney right on their website.
Just…..when? We know that Disney has “an aggressive mobile roadmap for Club Penguin” – it’s just when will we get to see this stuff? That’s what we want to know.
The My Penguin app may also be released.
Why have you changed your web thingy to ‘Adventure party 2012’ when it’s going to be a fruit party?
Polo Field said it’s going to be more of an Adventure Party and not a Fruit Party, so just in case I changed it.
Minor update about the ‘fruit party’: