Concrete Proof Card-Jitsu Is Going Mobile

By / July 29, 2012

There has been tons of leaks and unofficial information that Card-Jitsu was being made into a mobile application by Club Penguin, but there was nothing ever officially said by the company to us penguins – until now.

Take a look at this image, second paragraph. I was on Disney’s jobs page for Kelowna and stumbled upon Nathan, who is a part of the Disney mobile team. He mentions Card-Jitsu for mobile.

So there we have it. After first hearing word about Card-Jitsu for iOS a year ago, a Card-Jitsu Snow tin claiming it, and most recently screenshots of Card-Jitsu for iOS, I’ve found official wording from Disney right on their website.

Just…..when? We know that Disney has “an aggressive mobile roadmap for Club Penguin” – it’s just when will we get to see this stuff? That’s what we want to know.

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The My Penguin app may also be released.



Why have you changed your web thingy to ‘Adventure party 2012’ when it’s going to be a fruit party?



Polo Field said it’s going to be more of an Adventure Party and not a Fruit Party, so just in case I changed it.