Undercover Moderators In Happy77’s Video

By / July 9, 2011

After watching Happy77’s music video for “Better Days” several times, I came to the realization that there is quite a few undercover Club Penguin Moderators in it. Penguins that have been visiting my site for a while might recall this post from May, listing tons of undercover Club Penguin Moderators. Some of those penguins are actually in Happy77’s video! I noticed three of the penguins in my list in her video.

The first one is Optimusprime.

The second is Tundrafluff. (Who I met on Club Penguin in 2007 in the server Mammoth and had a crowd because they were wearing the Beta Hat)

The third one is Mmmpancakes.

Now in the video there are some undercover moderators I have never heard of, such as Businesmoose. I know they’re a moderator as they have the blue ring around the penguin.

There is also the penguin “Tour Guides” with a blue ring around it.

Finally, there is an unidentified penguin dressed as a sheep with a blue ring around it.

It’s fun exposing Club Penguin’s moderators! :P

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Jetpack Guy0

Jetpack Guy0

That sheep is Super Sheep! Pause on the part of the Ice Berg, and look near the drillers!
P.S. I’m in this video :D



I see that sheep too. I never thought they are moderators!cool!!!



Not only in the underwater room that sheep appeared

Jetpack Guy0

Jetpack Guy0

@Decc98 Ummm, dude, I found that out before you. Look at the first comment.



SnowwyBlowwy Is A Moderator He Was On Mammoth Lat Night And Told Us!



The sheep’s name is “Super Sheep”. You can see it when everyone is drilling at the iceberg but him. See ya ;)

Jetpack Guy0

Jetpack Guy0

Why doesn’t anyone give me credit for finding out the sheep is named Super Sheep? Look at the first comment



Jetpack Guy0 it has been long byt remember me? im honeypup34 we used to be friends on cp!