55 thoughts on “Website Info

  1. Hey There,
    I want to be a blogger on your website, for free!
    I am less than 18 years of age.
    I live in Canada and am not a member.

  2. hey train when im loging into club peguin and after like ten seconds this comes up the adobe flash player is it my side or club peguins side? (plz help me)
    thanks danielle9746 :) :)

  3. Hello my son wanted me to find club penguin. I believe I put my credit card # in this website but not sure. I want to cancel because this isn’t the website he wanted. Thank you.

  4. oi eu queria ter todas as revistas do CP e vcs é demais o club mas eu so tenho a 3 edição ,a 2 edição,6 edição,7 edição so que não é da magazine é escrito assim a *A REVISTA* mas queria muito ter todas da magazine e todas da *A REVISTA* :( :)

  5. Hey, this is Waddles right? Dark here. I wonder if you guys have a facebook group or something which cpp users still use once in a while.

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