Club Penguin Times Issue #334 – Puffle Party!

By / March 15, 2012

Club Penguin has released a new newspaper, for the 15th of March. This is the eleventh issue of 2012 and brings us to a total of 334 published newspaper issues.

The main headline is this week’s newspaper is about the Puffle Party. It’s an article by the Puffle Handler.

The second main headline is an article by Rookie, wondering where exactly Orange Puffles came from.

There are the upcoming events – which ones are you looking most forward to?

The upcoming events are:

  • March 22nd – New Pin
  • March 29th – April Fools Day Party
  • April 5th – New Pin
  • April 5th – April 2012 Clothing Catalogue

The following pages have been updated:

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beleive it or not clubpenguin has brought a St patricks day party back at the mine shack! Check it out theres a free item!



Yup, I noticed that when touring the island. I was surprised but glad. :)