On This Day In Club Penguin History – February 14

By / February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine’s Day! Club Penguin has updated on the 14h of February in 2007 and 2013, and some of those updates are Valentine’s Day related!

In 2007 there was one update. The postcard catalogue was updated with a postcard you could send to others saying “Be My Valentine”. (I know it says 2008 on the stamp in the image, but that’s only because that’s the year I took the screenshot) This postcard has never been seen in Club Penguin since.


It’s also possible that the 2006 Valentine’s Day Party started on the 14th of February, although the exact date the event began is unknown.

The only other year to have updates on this day is 2013. That year the Hollywood Party began. Cadence, Sensei, and Gary waddled around the island during this event. At the 2013 Hollywood Party all players could be directors, plus members could also be superstars, too. There were three different movie sets you could check out. Each set had its own interactions that you could participate in and obtain items once complete. A week into the party there was an award show. The party also has a special item catalogue, special emotes, and login and logoff screens.

Screen Shot 2013-02-16 at 1.01.33 PM


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ohhh I remember the hollywood party… The nostalgia. i miss that party so much



Same. I remember the Golden Awards (aka Stage Awards) From so long ago ;D

They don’t DO Valentine’s Day any more. :(
Or St. Patrick’s Day, or Easter, or…