Club Penguin Dot Meetup Times – August/September 2015 Fashion Festival

By / August 29, 2015

Dot’s now a meetable mascot on Club Penguin, so the team has made a video to introduce her. The video does have a few easter eggs, such a glimpses of Herbert’s shadow and the words “Operation” on a piece of paper. In addition to the video, Club Penguin has given out some meetup times for Dot, which you’ll find here.

Here’s what Deamama said in the blog post about Dot, in case you’re interested in some backstory:

For those of you who’ve been around for a while, you might know a bit about Dot. She was first introduced as Dot the Disguise Gal back in 2008 as part of the Elite Penguin Force.

Then, after the nefarious villain Herbert took out the PSA with his Popcorn Bomb in 2010, she continued to be the stealthiest rep of the EPF, creating innovative disguises (like the Klutzy disguise that helped to infiltrate Herbert’s hideout in Operation Blackout).

She’s always been an incredible disguise force, but recently she’s moved her sewing and design skills into creating civilian clothing. So we’ll be seeing more of Dot’s fashion skills, too! She’s one part stealth, one part style.

Although she unfortunately does not have a stamp to unlock when meeting her, she does have a giveaway background. This is her playercard:

Screen Shot 2015-08-29 at 7.40.02 PM

Her giveaway background is nearly identical to her playercard:

Screen Shot 2015-08-29 at 7.40.22 PM

Here are all the upcoming meetup times for Dot. They are all PST, the time on the Snow Forts Clock Tower. For EST add three hours and for the UK add eight hours. I will update this post whenever Club Penguin posts now meetup times. The servers are all English servers unless otherwise stated.

Sunday, September 6th
2:00 PM on the Portuguese server Deu Branco
2:00 PM on the Spanish server Nevisca

Tuesday, September 8th
2:00 PM on the Portuguese server Zero Grau
2:00 PM on the Spanish server Yeti

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Rusisian Server is Аврора



I met her yesterday! :D So bad that there is no Dot’s stamp :(

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still getting used to her new look (and name) but I’m starting to come along :)

Luis ver

Luis ver

Yikes! met her already, my mascot meeting record is still very good. i hope Jet Pack Guy is the next

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I MET DOT! AAAAH! :D I got the bg and she friended me and best of all she was NOT a robot because she actually responded to us who logged on (same thing happened when I met Gary at the Prestoric Party 2014)



Mascots are never robots. They just have prewritten messages they can use. (similar to the safe chat messages that are prewritten)



Umm…I must be missing something. Why does she look like that?



It’s her new design.



what rooms does she usually spawn in or roam



I’m not sure. Any of the decorated rooms, really.

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when I met her she was in the stadium, the snow forts, the plaza and ended in the forest. although I don’t know where she started because I got there a little late (although it pretty speedy for a meet up because Fog only had 3 bars at the time)

luis ver

luis ver

After some meetings with dot, this is order of rooms she visits: Dock, Town, Forts,Plaza, Forest and the last stop before leaving is the Cove