On This Day In Club Penguin History – May 18

By / May 18, 2015

On the 18th of May Club Penguin has updated in 2007 and 2011. In 2007 there was an event taking place at the brand new forest room and a new furniture catalogue was released. In 2011 there was an update to the secret beta team section on Club Penguin’s website.

On this day in 2007 there was a scavenger hunt, if you want to call it that. If you went to the Mountain a map would blow across the screen, and you had to follow it across the island, until it got stuck in the clock tower at the Snow Forts. From there you could click on it to add the map to your inventory, then view it. It’d show you where the location of the Cove was going to be and you’d be able to see where the new forest room was. Here’s a video showing the whole thing:


Also on this day in 2007 there was a new furniture catalogue. It contained items such as the Concert Lights, DJ Table, CD Rack, and Pop Art Painting.

Club Penguin May 2007 Furniture Catalog

That’s all for 2007. In 2011 there as an update, but not in-game. Club Penguin updated the secret beta team section on their website. Puffle Hat Ideas and Skyscraper were re-added. In addition to that, they now worked, as when they were first added they were broken and did not function at all. Rollerscape History also now worked, as that too was originally broken. Finally, a new game called Snow Cone was added, however it did not work.


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I’ve always liked that song, Show Me the Way by Peter Frampton. (in the video)



The blowing map somehow reminds me of a PSA mission.



Oh yeah in the Mysterious Tremors mission!