On This Day In Club Penguin History – May 14

By / May 14, 2015

On the 14th of May Club Penguin has had updates in 2010 and 2011. In 2010 there was a new furniture catalogue, a new igloo catalogue, and the postcards were updated. In 2011 there was a few small updates to the beta team section on Club Penguin’s website.

The May 2010 Furniture Catalogue was filled with plants and medieval themed items. In the igloo catalogue the Grey Ice Castle Igloo was released for the first time, costing members 4,500 coins – a price that has since dropped to 2,400.


The final update in 2010 were a few new postcards. “Help me with the garden” and “Welcome to Club Penguin” were the brand new postcards.

Jumping one year to 2011, Skyscraper and Puffle Hat Ideas were removed from the Beta Team for reasons unknown.


Want to see and learn more? Check out these pages about the topics mentioned above.

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Add to the mistake in the image on the upcoming events section in this week’s newspaper, the secrets in this week’s newspaper is released a week earlier. It’s about stuff in the fair when the fair isn’t out yet. Just check it out and you’ll get my point. Literally. Same with the “news flash” section. BUGS!!!!!



I compared issues 498 and 499 and they’re different for me.



Cool stuff!! Hey Trainman, do you think I should start my own blog?!



Shouldn’t with be between filled and plants?



Yes. Fixed!