On This Day In Club Penguin History – March 30

By / March 30, 2015

Updates on the 30th of March have happened in 2007. The second ever April Fool’s Day Party began and there was a new pin.

The 2007 April Fool’s Day Party was completely different compared to the 2006 one. In 2007 the island had many boxes around the island, each one doing something completely different. There were two free items at the party. The Blue Propeller Cap was located at the Mine and the Funny Face Glasses were at the Beach. The new Box Pin could be found by hovering your mouse over the boxes at the Dock. A smaller box would pop out of the previous one until you got to the very tiny Cardboard Box Pin. This pin is Club Penguin’s 29th pin and was the third pin to be hidden at the Dock.

Club Penguin April Fools Day Party 2007
Fun fact, I took that screenshot around 7:00 AM at my neighbour’s house the day the party was released!


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There an underscore between began and and.



Weird, wonder how I did that…

Fixed, thank you. :)



“green commander of billybob” that guy probably gave somone a seizure.