The Club Penguin Coins For Change 2014 Results Are In!

By / January 5, 2015

The results are in and have been posted to the blog! In 2014 a total of 26 billion coins were donated to Coins For Change – double the amount donated in 2013! Wow!


Here’s what Megg said:

One of the projects we’re supporting is a playground built by KaBOOM!

Some members of the Club Penguin Team will be going down to give them the news. And as part of the surprise, we wanted to share some messages from you, to the children in the community where the playground will be built.

So leave your message in the comments below.

Great job on donating, everyone! I am kind of surprised the amount was so high, considering Club Penguin did not overly promote Coins For Change in 2014 compared to 2013 when there were trains and everything. I guess the Penguin Style donations helped.

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Lisured (@Lisured)

Lisured (@Lisured)

It might have been rigged. Did you notice that the first goal took disproportionally longer to fund in comparison with the other goals. Find someone who recorded how many coins there were each day. Unfortunately I didn’t keep records.



Yeah, it definitely rose very quickly.

Enb 11

Enb 11

And before the alst day of CFC there was still one project to be unlocked and in less than 13 hours it rose 6 billion coins



It rose a lot because they wrote a blog post trying to tell users how close we are!



Yea, it was definitely rigged.

Pirate 53

Pirate 53

Lost all my faith in CP, those results are to make the children happy despite the fact some of us are very mature and know those results are not real, in one day rising up to 26 Billion? Lol. No.



Holy tacos.



Does the number of coins even affect the amount of money cp donates anymore? I thought they donated a set amount of money each year and the point of donating coins was to vote which cause should receive the most donations (homes, medical care, animals) but there was no option of where you wanted your coins to go this year so it seems like donating coins has become pointless



Nope, it used to be however many coins was donated to whatever charity decided how the 1 million dollars was split up, now you just donate and I’m guessing the money is split evenly.




The CP community has reason to believe that it was rigged, as over 6 billion was raised on the last day, and it took a good few days just to get a few billion!



its rigged. how would they double the coins like that? people barely play this game anymore…



KaBoom is a comic company. CLUB PENGUIN COMIC confirmed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Lol I loved how CP raised the amount of coins to make us think we did it :)

Or mabeye all the catalouge money wasnt added til the end.



Mabeye the catalouge money wasnt added till the last day.



That’s a good thought.

Pirate 53

Pirate 53

Guys Saraapril has a point, the Donations and thingsbought end in 5 or 0 how in the world did the progress bar end in 3?! That makes absolutely no sense (probably spelled wrong XD) anyways, CP is far from being trusted, I understand they want to make children happy by saying “We did it” when actually we know it was not like that. CP has to face reality, it’s going down, Item adders still work (yes many websites still have it to add the Beta hat), and CPPS are still out there, they think tricking people in saying we did it will help? How much $$$ did they donate? Disgusting.

*Just expressing my opinion

People play the Club Penguin private servers because Club Penguin is going down hill. Club Penguin is now full of users walking around with Beta Hats thinking that they are rare, The Pet Shop these days is filled with the so called “pookies” and they have become lazy with the parties. At this point Club Penguin Private servers are better than Club Penguin, many of them find ways to do things that Club Penguin doesn’t. I’m not saying that they are good, however people are resorting to them because CP doesn’t have a lot to offer these days. I am outraged that they would alter the Coins for Change score like that, now they are being dishonest with us. 2015 will have much to come but I’m not that excited.



For what it’s worth, private servers are also full of users walking around with Beta Hats thinking they are rare. :-P



Rarity doesn’t exist in CPPSes.


