Be Heard: Free Coins and Items For Bullying Prevention Month To Raise Awareness

By / October 1, 2014

October is Bullying Prevention Month (although every month we should prevent bullying, amirite?!) so to help raise awareness Club Penguin set up a special page, similar to the one they did in April for Earth Month. You can view the page here.

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You can show your support for bullying prevention on Club Penguin by using the code 2BEHEARD. Redeeming this code will unlock the Be Heard Campaign Shirt, Megaphone, and 500 coins. You can redeem items on Club Penguin at this URL.

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For every time the code is redeemed Club Penguin will donate $1 USD to help support bullying prevention, up to $50,000 total. There is a counter on the page showing how many times the code has been unlocked/how much money has been donated, however the counter is not instant and takes some time to update.

As always, if you see bullying on Club Penguin you can report them to a moderator. If you or someone else you know is being bullied in real life seek help from a parent, teacher, or some other adult. We can make a difference. :)

Thanks Adriano and Star58108!


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1999bloo (@1999bloo)

1999bloo (@1999bloo)

The name of the Orange T-Shirt is the Be Heard Campaign Shirt!



Thanks! Changed it.



That kid is so rad

Mario fan300

Mario fan300

No offence, I think its great how CP makes posters about bullying, but it’s not helping much. Many get bullied, but CP doesn’t do anything at all. All they do is make posters.

P.S. If this statement is wrong, could you explain to me why? I don’t want to be wrong.



they actually are helping because they’re donating money every time someone redeems the code

Mario fan300

Mario fan300

What’s that to do with bullying?



Not sure how CP will utilize the money to prevent bullying. If what they’re doing is mostly about making posters, then that’s highly pointless. They should actually talk to a kid who’s victim of the bullying, pay a physcologist to help the kid, give tips to the kid’s parents, etc.



You are right because whenever we report someone, CP does nothing about it



September 2014: Build schools in India, Ecuador and Haiti
October 2014: Support Anti-Bullying

Was there a big bullying incident in India, Haiti or Ecuador to start this? o_o I find it funnily a coincidence, yet again, I like how CP is helping a lot in the real world.



Disney/CP just like to do good.



how do you make a website i have a email



And in november it’s probably going to be Support Polar Bears! And Herbert will be “Billions for the Bear!”



Oh yeah! And in December instead of Coins for Change, it will be Coins for Herbert! :D



I like it too :D btw I’m from India :3