Club Penguin Blog: Daffo’s UK Weather Report!

By / July 2, 2014

Last Thursday Daffodaily5 made a post about the weather in the United Kingdom.


My oh my! It’s so WARM in the UK at the moment! Well, it’s warm by our standards anyway! I thought I’d show you what the weather looks like from my office today here in Brighton. As you can see, it’s nice and sunny with a few clouds! The perfect opportunity to throw on some sunglasses and spend a bit of time outdoors (which is difficult at the moment because there’s so much football going on!) :D


I think I’ll head to the beach later and maybe write up a few new blog posts whilst catching some rays! ;) What’s the weather like where you are? What do you guys like to do when it’s sunny? Let me know in the comments below! :)


-Club Penguin Team

(21 degrees Celsius is 70 degrees Fahrenheit in case you were wondering)

It’s quite sunny and hot here too!

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Mr Awesome M

Mr Awesome M

28? Its around 40 degree celsius here.