Club Penguin Officially Announces Next Month’s Party – Music Jam 2014
While many of us already know next month’s party is the Music Jam, today Polo Field has posted on Club Penguin’s Blog to give an official announcement. Here is the announcement post:
Some of you may have already heard about the party coming in July. Just in case you haven’t, here is the official announcement of MUSIC JAM :D *crowd cheering*
We’ve got some big plans — starting with some featured artists and awesome tunes! I won’t say who’ll be featured or what’s going to happen, just know it’ll be awesome.
Any guesses of what’s in store for this year’s Music Jam? Post them in the comments below!
Waddle on,
-Club Penguin Team
Here’s what we do know:
- The Penguin Band will be there
- Cadence will be there
- Cadence will have a song called Best Day Ever
Also, on a side note, I wish Club Penguin would at least wait until the Penguin Cup starts before they start to talk about next month’s party. Sheesh!
The following page has been updated:
And so some a special will Austin & Ally be mascots :P
maybe next year
Not all of us like those shows. ._.
You know Austin&ally ahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Austin&ally so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
train I wish there would be a mystery performer like selena Gomez or somebody like mack and Brady
Nice way to complain yet again, Trainman.
There are a few things I would like to say. First off, disagreeing with something is not the same as complaining. Although similar, all I am doing is simply stating that I do not like what they are doing. Maybe it’s borderline complaining, I don’t know. But it’s not like I write paragraphs upon paragraph complaining. No. Instead I just write a sentence or two with my thoughts. Sometimes I’ll agree with what Club Penguin does, other times I don’t. That’s stating my opinion, which I am allowed to. There is no reason for me to agree with everything they are doing. Yes, the Club Penguin Team does work hard, but no matter what they are not going to please everyone. That’s fine. I get that. The purpose of a blog is to inform others and give your own opinion thoughts on a topic. And since Club Penguin Memories is my blog, I have the right to write whatever and however I want. So I do just that. If you don’t like my posts due to complaining then read another blog, I don’t mind. :)
Trainman Is Just Adding His Opinion And Anyway Trainman Never Complains Saraapril Does :p
Apparently she only complains and worries about the useless stuff in Club Penguin like how the trees in the Future Party are holograms and the fish have no-where to live -_-
This is precisely why you are my favorite blogger. Your blog is quite interesting, providing not only just CP Updates. Trying to have a closer relationship with the readers as well and even doing other stuff such as “On This Day In CP History”, “Trainman in Real Life”, etc.
Seriously, Saraapril is the BIG example you are just saying. A blogger who complains about everything, trying to persuade their readers to act in a different way, and not even respecting readers’ attention.
You are the REAL Type of blogger. You KNOW how to respect other people and even give your point of view, creating a discussion where even the readers can discuss further about. Saraapril only allows comments who agree with her, and (sadly) most people misinterpret that Saraapril, for only liking flowers, pink, and everything “bright” and “peaceful”, is nice. There are occassions where I even agree with her and she won’t even pass my comment.
Keep up the good work Trainman. You are a REAL Blogger :)
Nicely put Train. I agree with your statement as well about them announcing the party too early. They seem to over promote the parties in the first place to lure people to get memberships. Then when the party arrives, there is not a huge benefit for members. Sure, you can get extra transformations and clothes. But the baseline is still there AND the nonmember experience today is still much greater than the member experience back in 2008. But back to your point, I truly think that they are announcing the parties way too far in advance. I would definitely like to congratulate them on their phenomenal advertising techniques though! But they can’t trick me :)
Trainman doesn’t complain, Saraapril does.
That is so true! Saraapril only complains for everything! And she just writes that thing about “DISNEY STOP DESTROYING CLUB PENGUIN!” -.-
Stop! He is not complaining! I never seen him complain! He is nicely stating his opinion.
I’m really surprised how Train never complains, he always seems OK with everything, I’m even sure of Club Penguin made a thing where penguins could ban other penguins, I doubt Train will complain!
Saraparil always complains, sometimes, because there is a party going on “that looks like a war”.
Yes, sometimes I do complain, but for reasons like a thing when it’s not fair for non’s.
There won’t be any Disney’s characters during this party. Moderators announces at Twitter some time ago that this year’s summer will be no-commercial. Luckily.
I wish Rocky and CeCe return
Best Day Ever
Mr. Sun came up and he smiled at me
Said it’s gonna be a good one just wait and see
Jumped out of bed and I ran outside
Feeling so extra exsatisfied
It’s the best day ever
(Best day ever)
It’s the best day ever
(Best day ever)
I’m so busy got nothing to do
Spent the last two hours just tying my shoe
Every flower, every grain of sand
Is reaching out to shake my hand
It’s the best day ever
(Best day ever)
It’s the best day ever
(Best day ever)
Sometimes the little things start closing in on me
When I’m feeling down I wanna lose that frown
I stick my head out the window and I look around
Those clouds don’t scare me, they can’t disguise
This magic that’s happening right before my eyes
Soon Mr. Moon will be shining bright
So the best day ever can last all night
Yes, the best day ever’s gonna last all night now
It’s the best day ever
(Best day ever)
It’s the best day ever
(Best day ever)
It’s the best day ever
(Best day ever)
It’s the best day ever
(Best day ever)
Best day ever
Best day ever
end of spoilers
Wait – isnt that from Spongebob?
It is.
Just till’ the penguin’s heart gives out, Squidward. Just till his heart gives out. XD.
Haha, I knew that was going to come up somewhere. :D
SpongeBob party.
nah Nickelodeon owns spongebob not disney. good idea though
Penguin Band finally meetable :D to get their Backgrounds and add them
1d is so gonna be there. “Best Day Ever” by cadance. And the song best song ever by one direction! DUH!
Hello Trainman, I have news, Club Penguin team in Spanish performed a secret video, here is the link:
Yay for Cadence and the Penguin Band! :D (Please no Disney takeover…) And lol, isn’t Best Day Ever from Spongebob?! XD
CeCe and Rocky should come back! :(
That would be terrible.
train who do you think is the next epf director
Trainman, is there a SWF for all the music remixes in the Prom AK CP Universitie? If so can you please post it? Thanks :)
At the rate CP is going, they’ll be talking about the holiday party 2015 in July!