This Week’s Penguin of the Week: Redchampion1

By / May 9, 2014

This week’s Penguin of the Week has been published by Daffodaily5! Hopefully the post doesn’t get deleted like last week’s did, lol. This week’s POTW is Redchampion1. Here is why he was chosen:

Redchampion1 contacted the UK team recently to share a bit of artwork he had been working on. Turns out that it’s an AMAZING drawing of each of the UK team’s penguins! He had clearly put a lot of time into making this drawing as brill as possible. The team love it so much that they put it up on the wall in the office and asked me if he could be the next Penguin of the Week. So, here he is, with his incredible drawing! Soooo colourful! Congrats! :)



Amazing artwork! I wish I was that talented.

If you would like to nominate someone for Penguin of the Week either comment on Club Penguin’s blog or email Be sure to give the penguin’s name and say why they should be chosen as Penguin of the Week!

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WOW! Cool artwork!