Spike Hike Reveals: Card-Jitsu Shadow a Long Time Away, New Puffles Later This Year

By / April 26, 2014

At today’s Spike Saturday meetup Spike Hike revealed a little bit about Club Penguin’s future plans about Card-Jitsu and Puffles! I’m sure a lot of you have been wondering when Card-Jitsu Shadow will be released. The answer? Not for a while, as it is going to take quite some time. It seems like Club Penguin is going to take their time on this game just like they did with Card-Jitsu Snow.


Moving on, there will not be any more Puffles until towards the end of the year in Fall. I wonder what the new Puffles will be? More animals, perhaps?


A huge thanks goes out to Tech70 and Cookies49 for allowing me to use their images!

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AWESOME! (First)



You’re welcome(:




But CP promised for the CJ Truth revealed this Summer! I was very stoked up for it :/ Oh well, if it takes more time, then I hope it’s worth the wait.

As of Puffles, perhaps Bat Puffles for Halloween Party?



Bat Puffles would be neat.

Pan V

Pan V

How could you be a so famous guy that interviewed Spike Hike? You have the best unofficial blog! @Trainman1405



Thank you. :)

LaserxknightCP (@MalayanPenguin)

LaserxknightCP (@MalayanPenguin)

rabbit puffles?



@LaserxknightCP, you mean Bugs Bunny Puffle? :P



@Tenin He just meant regular rabbit puffles, not Bugs Bunny. If they would do that, they would have to do a partnership with the Warner Bros comppany, and even then, who knows if they would do it.

JRCP (@Jojo28cp)

JRCP (@Jojo28cp)

Need to be (animal) Puffle? cannot be another color or customizable puffles color it would be great

Puffle Pal26

Puffle Pal26

The “CJ Truth” doesn’t have to be Card-Jitsu Shadow. Remember Operation: Ninja rumors?



Operation: Ninja was actually just a fanon that someone came up with. Sure, it might be really cool, but another EPF Mission after the Futuristic Party is too soon…

Enb 11

Enb 11

In the Gold Puffles video they said they won’t be releasing Color Puffles anymore so yes I guess that from now on there will be only animal puffles

Commander Bsyew

Commander Bsyew

I do feel that Club Penguin has been taking the puffle experience a little too much. It would be nice for Club Penguin to focus on the things people actually want like new rooms or more games..

robot 0005

robot 0005

I agree with you
but I think they do puffles animals to rest a little color
and there are rumors of gray or silver puffle as polo said, fuchsia, and maybe new colors
3 groups may
and strange as ghosts or puffles puffle puffle magic and glass

robot 0005

robot 0005

sorry cristal

Sky Blue 777

Sky Blue 777

i wouldn’t mind more colour puffles- once a year at the puffle party but no new weird animal puffles. club penguin should do more games and better non takeover parties.



How long has CP been working on CJSH? Since like around 2011 or 2012? They should’ve been done with it by now.



I don’t think they’ve been actively working on it.

Mario fan300

Mario fan300

Train, remember in October 2012 you showed us a script about going back in time?
Well, Gary in the script said something like, ‘Oh look everyone! A new puffle! Take it down in you’re notebook!’ .
I think we found out what he meant about the new puffle and the Future Party.

By the way, I hope they bring back Dino Puffles! My membership ended before I could get them! :(



THEY’RE MAKING WAY TOO MANY PUFFLES. I DON’T LIKE THE CREAUTURE PUFFLES. I think they should make some new colors, not an animal like a fox, because really, WHO CARES!!



I don’t think Club Penguin needs to be adding all this Card Jitsu stuff! If CP does this, it will be WAY to close to “Avatar: The Last Airbender”, and “The Legend of Korra”. If they add earth and air, I’m going to be like O_o.

Lost Dragon

Lost Dragon

I’m just confused why they made the shadow outfits years in advance. I’m not surprised about new Puffles. They seem to have a small Puffle obsession. My guess is squirrel or something along those lines. (Maybe even a Dragon!?!)



CP is giving way too many puffles…



I just logged into Club Penguin… Seems normal. Checked my friends list – You have 23 Friend Requests – Not Normal. I hardly ever get friend requests LOL



Spike said new puffles he didn’t say anything about being able to adopt them, maybe another shrek takeover?



I knew this moment would come



i also agree on how many Puffles they are in club penguin there are way to much there is Red,Blue,Green,Purple,Pink,orange,yellow,white,black,dino,rainbow,gold,dog,and cat, so thats like 14 puffles it way too much.

Cool Pixels (@CPCoolPixels)

Cool Pixels (@CPCoolPixels)

Card-Jitsu Shadow? Wow!

Tom Ponk1

Tom Ponk1

they have done a bit too many puffles however puffles are the only pets. And about CJSH it may have taken long to do but its a ninja thing and the key to being a ninja is patience. and they also need to find a place for the dojo decorate the dojo dress the sensei customize the Ninja uniform and the dance and wave animations!
give Cp time. it will come.
trust me.

I have met sensei i know it will come!

Tom Ponk1 (Cp Name)

I think shadow puffles



*Olaf Puffles*
those are the new puffles for fall I think

I have been searching and club penguin world said there might be shadow puffles