Club Penguin To Have More Mini Parties
Many of us were surprised when Club Penguin announced in The Spoiler Alert that the Stadium would be decorated to celebrate Russia, as Club Penguin has not had a mini celebration limited to one or two rooms in a long time. As some say, this is more of an “old Club Penguin” thing. Well, I have good news – Club Penguin has more on the way! Polo Field did not give too many specifics, but he did say that the team is trying them out, combining the modern day graphics the game uses with the concept of mini parties the team did in the past.
Here’s a little secret: we’re going to try out a simple mini-party or two. Simple stuff more like old CP but with better art. :)
— Polo Field (@polofield) March 12, 2014
What mini parties would you like to see on Club penguin? I would love to see a room or two decorated for St. Patrick’s Day. Club Penguin unexpectedly did this at the 2012 Puffle Party.
Me too, st. Patricks day is a cool day :D maybe a thanksgiving room :D
And a Red nose day again :D
St. Patrick’s day! I would love if they gave out the green accordian as the free item!
Me too. I would love a St. Patricks’ Day Mini Party!
A mini april fools party would be nice… CP
I’d like to see a mini Earth Day party or April Fools Party this year!
Hopefully they might also hold at least a Mini-April Fools Celebration. Or even better, a MAIN APRIL FOOLS PARTY PLEASE!
Where it says “this is more of a,” it should be “this is more of an.”
Fixed. Thank you Res.
I hope they do that, that was awesome.
YAY!! I do not not want to brag or get any glory, but I might of sent them the e-mail for this idea, and they said they put it on the bored on the office. So ummm….
‘Better art” is not better. It’s just different.
Old is gold.
Thats what I see almost every time I play Club Penguin. If new features never came out, Club Penguin would get boring, so New is Woo!
You are likely on a computer and in a house built by builders. Go use a commadore and build your own house using animal hide and wood you hippy.
YOOOUUUU should get with the times, man and face the facts: “old” CP is never coming back and never can come back. And sure, old was pretty awesome and I loved the Music Jams the most, but that’s in the past and, unless you happen to have some kind of time machine or something, can’t be revisited.
On topic, does this mean we might get a St Patrick’s Day mini-party? That would be awesome.
I’d love to see a mini St. Patrick’s Day party or a mini Easter party. They were both great parties, and it’d be a shame if Club Penguin let them go altogether.
I will love to see a mini thanksgiving party with two decorated rooms with a free item.
What it be cool if there is a mini Star Wars party with a free lightsaber and Jedi robes.