Club Penguin Adds Online Safety Quiz
As first previewed in The Spoiler Alert earlier this week, you can now take an online safety quiz through Club Penguin! In the top right corner where the moderator badge originally was you will now seed a clipboard with the moderator badge on it. Click that to open the safety quiz.
The quiz consists of six different questions. As long as you know proper internet safety you should know the correct answers.
As long as you pass you’ll get the free item. Enjoy!
:D No more fat clothes!
the igloo is added to the map
credit me!!!
I’m aware, I just didn’t post it last night because I was tired. :)
That was there at the Prehistoric Party when it started
7 year old quiz :(
hey train!!! i does not work!!! it doesn’t work when i click the button, i tried this in 33 computers and nothing!!! maybe only does not work in google chrome?
I’ve been having issues with it too. You can always email Club Penguin Support.