Gary Meetup Times for January 2014’s Prehistoric Party

By / January 23, 2014

Gary is online for the Prehistoric Party! He does not have a new background this time. In this post I will be compiling a list of any official meetup times Club Penguin gives out. All of the times listed below are PST, the time at the Snow Forts. They are also all located in English servers unless said so otherwise. For EST add three hours to the PST times. For the UK add eight hours to the PST times.

Screen Shot 2014-01-23 at 12.42.42 PM

Thursday, January 30

  • 10:00 AM PST on the server Chinook

Friday, January 30

  • 6:00 PM PST on the server Fog

Saturday, February 1

  • 3:30 PM PST on the server Northern Lights

Sunday, February 2

  • 10:00 AM PST on the server Iceland
  • 5:30 PM PST on the server Rainbow

Monday, February 3

  • 10:00 AM PST on the server Crystal

Tuesday, February 4

  • 10:00 AM PST on the server Frosty

Wednesday, February 5

  • 10:00 AM PST on the server Rainbow

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Dasiy 7654

Dasiy 7654

Trainman you got a typo you need put rainbow not rainbows



Fixed, thanks!

luis ver

luis ver

i met him in rainbow!, :D and his was with his blue dino puffle: Darwin (i voted for archie but i like darwin too :)



Awesome, I didn’t know they picked the name!



You need a music for your site, I was thinking: The Club Penguin Awards Tjeme Music From Soundcloud!
And a comments section just for comments( not post comments )



I’ll consider it. Thanks for the suggestions! :)