Club Penguin Delaying Updates This Week and Next Week By 24 Hours

By / December 25, 2013

If you were visiting Club Penguin Memories earlier today you may have noticed I did not publish a “Reminder: Club Penguin Updates Tonight!” post like I usually do on Wednesdays. Why? Because Club Penguin is updating a day later this week and next week due to the holidays. Here is Polo Field’s post:

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that due to the holidays, this week and next week’s updates will be a bit different. So that’s the week of December 25 and January 1.


Instead of a Wednesday night update, the team will be launching new content this Thursday morning, bright and early and next Thursday (January 2) at 6:30pm PST. I’m sure you’ll all be too busy spending time with family and opening presents to notice anyways! ;)

As always I will post the updates!

The following page has been updated:

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Merry Christmas, Train!! Choo-Choo!!



Thanks, same to you Dixon! =)



Yay! I was wondering why CP didn’t make the updates!

Thanks for the info!!




You’re welcome. :)

Melvin 505

Melvin 505

Now I’m confused. It says “bright and early next morning” but then it says 6:30 pm….what?!?



I think they mean that they’re releasing stuff this Thursday morning and then late Thursday next week.

Melvin 505

Melvin 505

Ah, thanks!