Club Penguin Blog Reviewed By You: Seasons

Yesterday a new reviewed by you was posted on the Club Penguin Blog! The topic this time is seasons. As you might recall, not too long ago in the previous reviewed by you we were asked what our highlights from September were. Here’s what Kooldude233 had to say:

My favorite thing in september was Rockhopper returning he is my favorite mascot and im so happy he returned for another week every penguin was soo happy and no one should ever forget that cream soda loving pirate i mean…he DID find the red puffle and what i would like to see in the future is even more happy penguins waddling around and having fun!
Waddle On Club Penguin


The question this time is “what’s your favorite season (winter, spring, summer, or autumn) and why?”

The following page has been updated:

18 thoughts on “Club Penguin Blog Reviewed By You: Seasons

  1. Epic! My favourite season of the year is Summer, because everything is beautiful and unique. The trees and plants have all fully grown, and the UK gets some heat for once in a while, XD. What is your favourite season of the year? :)

  2. Train,

    I have had a brilliant idea! You have over 800 friends. Some of these won’t follow your blog, some won’t play CP anymore etc. So, you should make a post saying that you are having a friend list clean out. Anyone that wants to stayon your friends list should either tweet you, email you or comment in the post with their penguin name. You then delete anyone who doesn’t reply, keeping all the obvious ones like mods. What do you think?

    • Train,

      I have had a brilliant idea! You have over 800 friends. Some of these won’t follow your blog, some won’t play CP anymore etc. So, you should make a post saying that you are having a friend list clean out. Anyone that wants to stayon your friends list should either tweet you, email you or comment in the post with their penguin name. You then delete anyone who doesn’t reply, keeping all the obvious ones like mods. What do you think?

  3. I LOVE AUTUMN. It is so relaxing! That’s why I like it so much:

    1) Spring is a crazy season, because it’s rains and it’s sunny at the same time. Boring
    2) Summer is cool but I hate it because it’s hot and there are a lot of bugs
    3) Winter is…sad and cold.

    I love autumn because it’s calm. It doesn’t have it’s problems.

  4. FALL
    lots of puddles to splash in and leaves to jump in but its still warm sun
    and Halloween and my birthday and happy pumkins and my friends at school and pumkin pies that fit in my hand and roasted apples and hot spicd cider

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