Spike Hike Agrees The EPF Can Be Better, Mentions Upcoming New EPF Mission

By / September 22, 2013

You know that EPF vs PSA discussion I posted a few days ago where we all voiced our thoughts? As it turns out, Spike Hike read everything we had to say – and agrees the EPF needs improvement in the comment he wrote. He also mentioned a new mission coming out later this year! Rather than updating an old post with a possibility not everyone would see it, I figured it’d be best to make a new post highlighting his comment on what he had to say. Please note that there are some tiny spoilers about the next EPF mission so read it at your own risk! It’s nothing major, as it mainly lets us know a new mission is coming out within the next few months. Here is Spike Hike’s response to all of us:

This is a super interesting discussion and thanks for posting the poll Train!

The CP team and I are no happier with the state of the EPF than you guys are – believe me! The problem we created for ourselves with both the PSA and the EPF is that both were based on the idea of new missions or ops coming out on a regular basis and we just didn’t have the tools or people to deliver that content as frequently as we wanted. The PSA missions took a very long time to make and we stopped making them because we wanted to find a way to get things out more regularly. Field Ops was supposed to solve that but the experience wasn’t very fun frankly. Very few people actually played them and those who did mostly did it for the medals. Field Ops just really underdelivered on the whole spy idea, and we felt we needed to come up with something that was really awesome because it wasn’t worth doing Ops we weren’t proud of and very few people actually played.

Operation Blackout and Operation Hot Sauce were tests of some new concepts for what EPF could be. The idea behind Hot Sauce was to bring back the PSA style missions but in the world instead which also has the benefit of getting Penguins playing together. Hot Sauce was a little smaller than we wanted but people really liked it and said it had the feeling of the old missions which we were glad to hear. The problem has been that we don’t have a way of keeping the new missions around so they come and go like parties and we really want to keep them around so new players can play through them.

We have a lot of cool ideas for where EPF could go, we just need time and some of the technology we are working on to do them right! First we had to get CJ Snow out the door and then the next focus was Puffles which you are seeing now. After that, hopefully we can give EPF the focus it deserves.

What I can tell you is that the EPF will be back this year in a big way with a brand new mission – and its one that the audience has been asking for a long time. It will also unveil one of the biggest mysteries in Club Penguin – something that has been right in front of our eyes the whole time, but that we’ve never seen before. Trust me, it is going to be EPIC!

As for EPF vs PSA – I’m a PSA Penguin myself! – but don’t take that to mean the PSA is necessarily coming back…or is it? What I did like about the PSA is that it was originally a clever way to get Penguins to help keep the island safe. Whatever we do in the future, I want to make sure we bring that element back because its been lost a little and its super important that it be at the center.

Waddle On and as The Director said “The EPF will return!!”
– Spike Hike

He nailed it! I couldn’t agree with what Spike Hike said more. While no exact date for this upcoming EPF mission is given, I’m assuming around late November or early December will be likely. I wonder what’s going to happen? It does sound shadow ninja related, as he did say it reveals something “that has been right in front of our eyes the whole time, but that we’ve never seen before”.

One thing I wanted to point out:

The problem has been that we don’t have a way of keeping the new missions around so they come and go like parties and we really want to keep them around so new players can play through them.

Maybe you could incorporate Gary’s Time Trekker into the EPF so agents can travel back in time to the parties/events and replay them? How doable that is I don’t know, but it’s just a thought I had. Gary is involved with the EPF after all!

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Green N Cool

Green N Cool

Now that’s got me thinking :P, Whats been right in front of our eyes the whole time and has been a mystery… *Thinks more* ;P



The thing that I hope that they finally reveal is what exactly Herbert was meaning when he was talking about doing something with puffles. I think it was in mission 6,7,or 8 where he talked about using the puffles for some sort of machine I think? Anyways, I hope that the EPF will come back in a big way. Here’s to an amazing EPF party in November!



i think the mystery will be tipping the iceberg



That’s what I was thinking! :D



Yeah! I was thinking that too!




Green Ninja

Green Ninja

This is either Shadow Ninjas or tipping the Iceberg.



Great comment Spike Hike!

Spike Hike if you see this comment I want you to know, I didn’t mind waiting 2-3 months for each PSA mission. Everytime Billybob posted a sneak peek of a new mission I would get so excited. They were creative, entertaining, and incredibly fun. I loved those missions so much and I believe each mission was worth the wait. :)

Pani 10

Pani 10

I think that the mystery will be the golden puffle, it already made an appearance in the newspaper , in a stage play and in Garianna’s potion book.



Either Rockhopper Island, tipping the iceberg, golden puffle, or shadow ninjas. In my opinion, I think it will be tipping the iceberg or the golden puffle.

Lance Jin

Lance Jin

I will prefer if it was ALL those! That would be awesome!

The Wizard.

The Wizard.

Something right in front of our eyes the entire time… But we never saw it… I’ve never really looked into the mysterious side of Club Penguin here, but now, I’m starting to see that there’s so much here that hasn’t been answered yet… It can’t be a golden puffle, that would have to be a puffle party thing, although you never know… And we already know who the Director is, so what could it be…

I’m certainly looking forward to this EPF thing now… I hope they make a movie-style trailer for it… Another possibility is shedding something of a brighter light on Herbert’s origin, but that’s illogical since we’ve already seen him twice this year.

Maybe it’s the old crab? From that 2009 EPF login screen? Don’t think we’ve seen him yet…

There’s just too many possibilities to guess until we can get something of a sneak peek.

luis ver

luis ver

wow! he listened!!! (i don’t mean he doesn’t listen) yay!!! EPF more active :)



I love hearing what Spike Hike has to say! It’s incredibly interesting and it really gives us a good look into what the Team does.



Wait, you know those things that have the numbers on them and are seen around the island, and was last seen at the Underwater Adventure party? Have you ever wondered what all the numbers mean? Hmm…



The buoys?



Maybe the “klutzy grandfather” or the old crab is the mistery! And the “big octopus” maybe also!



In front of our eyes….
Hmmm…. OMG!
Nope…. HMMM *Thinks*
Omg ok 1 thing:
Shadow ninjas. Right before Tusks goes into that hole, he dissapears in the background. Shadow right?

jelly ball

jelly ball

really wired i just type superc and it showedsupercalifragilisticexpialidocious lol try it and if yoiu do can i have credict

Turk Ois

Turk Ois

Maybe –
The snow statue that looked like Herbert that used to be in the Community Garden before they bulldozed it.
It was supposed to destroy the island if it was moved.
It was here before Herbert was.

No actually Herbert made it and it was featured in club penguins second DS game in a mission then they put it into the real CP



Tipping iceberg- Probaly not big enogh for a mission
Golden Puffle- What would he do make a gold puffle army
Shadow Ninja- What if Herbert stole the elements of water, Fire, and snow he is using them to turn the island into complete kaos. Sensei and Gary must work together to enhance the power of shadow to stop him. Put the element of shadow must be founf up on a high mountan. But by the time you find it herbert has already split the island and you must use your exsisting powers to stop it but while doing that sensei, AA and Gary have deen brainwashed into wprking with herbert. You must join a group of diffrent agents who have diffrent plans but once u join you cant unjoin once you join each team gose against each other until war between each other but then you realise this is what herbert wanted you to do. Then you discover the element of Light/Friendship which counter act the elendt of shadow. It unbrainwashes gary, Sensei, and Aa then you work to gether learning to work together the elements of water fire snow shadow and light tho teach herbert the bower of friendship then herbert becomes are frind but he isnt the only enemie we have dub dun ddddduuuuunnnnn



cool story bro




nitrowish II

nitrowish II

hey train do dey email club penguin memberships any longer



Sometimes, yes.



golden puffle maybe?
because the herbert page has a picture of a puffle and it can be the golden one

Mr Oswald

Mr Oswald

I think the mystery is that Gary is actually Herbert in disguise… Oh well, time will tell :)



Then, if they do that, there would be no Herbert after – no more interesting missions… no nothing. Herbert is the big deal here.



Herbert works together with tusk to create evil golden puffles who live under the iceberg but Sensei and the EPF work together to stop them but are defeated, when the old crab appears and begins to train shadow ninjas and they defeat Herbert once and for all. There, all the mysteries solved in one.



Oh, nearly forgot, Rockhopper thanks us for saving the island and as a present for the holiday party he lets us travel to rockhopper island! I know it’s probably not gonna happen, but hey, let’s hope it gives spike ideas!

Green N Cool

Green N Cool

Just a thought: Rockhopper Island? We look through the telescope/Binoculars! Something could of been right in front of ours eyes far far away that we’ve never seen before!



I think it’s shadow ninja now that I read it slowly..



yay Operation puffle in November maybe?



TRAIN!!!! I got news! I met Gary yesterday and u must remember the last page of the potion book. Garianna tells us the secret ingridient but the page is torn. So when i met Gary he said the secret ingridient is Ogre Snot. So maby the page wasnt always torn Gary tore the page when he gave us the book and then told us what it is. What do u think Train? Could this be a joke by CP or is it really the secret ingridient?



No clue!

jelly ball

jelly ball

train can you add me with cheezlovermw. thx



wait what



Operation Puffle, Operation Pookie (please be it!!!) OR shadow ninja OR EVEN dragon puffles??



Very interesting post and comment from Spike Hike. Also, I forgot to thank you for hanging out on Club Penguin Saturday Trainman! :) Sometimes its nice when there is no crowd.



You’re welcome! I agree!



Shadows have been around the whole time so.. Card Jitsu Shadow or Operation: Blackout 2??



I agree with Spike Hike because the missions dont go through like the parties



I usually like spoilers, but this time, I regret reading “What I can tell you is that the EPF will be back this year in a big way with a brand new mission – and its one that the audience has been asking for a long time. It will also unveil one of the biggest mysteries in Club Penguin – something that has been right in front of our eyes the whole time, but that we’ve never seen before. Trust me, it is going to be EPIC!” and ” but don’t take that to mean the PSA is necessarily coming back…or is it?” Other then that, it was really interesting to go behind the scenes on the PSA and EPF.

P.S. I hope you don’t mind if I take this info and credit you.



Nope, not at all. :-)

I think it might have something to do with the puffles and the shadow ninja rumers.



I feel like the EPF/PSA dilemma is quite the important issue in this community. I think that the EPF/PSA should more or less combine into something bigger and more powerful. Or, I think that both should be present around the island. For example: Aunt Arctic could be the leader of the EPF while Gary goes back to being the leader of the PSA if it were to return. Or, the two could combine the two programs into something massive, where we both keep the island safe as well as go on secret missions to keep Herbert in check.

I just feel like the EPF has gone too far off course and is no longer about protecting and serving the Club Penguin community as it is about constantly defeating robots and Herbert. However, there is definitely a need for more interaction in the EPF. We got this fancy new spy phone, but we’ve only gotten to put it to good use once so far. It’s quite the tease!

It’s hard to say where the EPF/PSA should go, both programs had their positives: the EPF Command Center is much more high-tech and up to date, but the PSA missions were much more fun than missions involving Protobot in System Defender, for example. I do agree that missions are more interesting now that they are played literally in the world instead of from a first person perspective. I think it is definitely something that could be used as a throwback. For example: during a new EPF/PSA mission, we have to travel back into the forrest where we ventured into to find the brown Puffle, that way we can go back and almost sort of learn about Club Penguin’s history but for older players, they get to go back to something fun.

There’s a lot of different ways that the EPF/PSA can embark on, I just hope that whatever happens, Club Penguin continues to listen to our feedback, because it definitely makes me feel better knowing that you guys are aware of when we are content/upset with new updates.

Waddle on!



Well said!

Green N Cool

Green N Cool

I’m Back, Trainman1405! :P I been thinking about this “something that has been right in front of our eyes the whole time, but that we’ve never seen before.” Maybe It’s Dot The Disguise Gal! *Thinks more* ;P



Maybe the replacement of the VR Room will be the PSA HQ with some Gadgets Gary made and the Elements of Shadow



It is going to be about puffles. In one of the missons herbet was talking about puffles, And in the magazine it talked about herbet and puffles, and if you go to club herbet.com There will be i picture of a puffle.



How about a mission where Herbert brainwashes all the puffles and they go bad, and you have to destroy the machine to make them good, and the thing making them go bad is a Golden Puffle, but she turns good. A few weeks later, the Golden Puffle has babies and PH gives one to you, and says that if you have enough coins, you can feed it a fortune cookie with a note you type in it and in 24 hours, it swirls around (like a purple puffle, only bigger) and makes the item of your choice (it only needs to be in CP History) so it could be a Jetpack or a HDTV or a Puffle Tree Fort Igloo. (1000 for clothes, 5000 for furniture and 10000 for Igloos and Igloo loations.

Bunny wabbit and herbert

Bunny wabbit and herbert

I think its something to do with puffles, because in mission 9 at herberts camp the was a blueprint
With a puffle on it.

Bunny wabbit and herbert

Bunny wabbit and herbert


Bunny wabbit and herbert

Bunny wabbit and herbert

*thinks* im trying to find all rhe evedence of whats going to happen

bunny wabbit and herbert

bunny wabbit and herbert

I think its something to do with puffles because in mission 9 Herbert had a blueprint with a picture of a puffle on it, and also we never know where puffles came from. So they might just play good but they are actually bad.

Flavio Gabriel DE Souza Simoes

Flavio Gabriel DE Souza Simoes

maybe in november will have a mission about puffles… or shadow ninja, who cares? :o

Flavio Gabriel DE Souza Simoes

Flavio Gabriel DE Souza Simoes

but i just want 2 things: new puffle or new element

Melvin 505

Melvin 505

I’m late here but… I think what he’s saying is about the Golden Puffle… and it makes sense, because…damn, I don’t know where to start…
First, on the OP:PUFFLE confirmation post, I read my comment, mentioning wanting to have puffles in a mission, then someone commented under it saying puffles were already in a mission once…so I thought about the PSA mission mentioning puffles, and the golden puffle, and I thought..huh?!?
So I looked it up on the wiki (about Operation Puffle) and saw it really was in my face all along. The article in the newspaper! They don’t put things in there for no reason. Mysterious puffle hints everywhere, and suddenly, I realize the cleverness of it all. Were the takeovers a diversion, driving us from our mission? Is the Halloween party lacking because of the time they’re spending on the mission? Maybe, they are trying to let us figure it all out, putting things here and there for a clue. Let us figure things out like real agents…



I have an idea about how we could replay the missions!

CP keeps all the SWFs for parties and missions, right? (If not, I know that some fans keep them in collections)

So, why not just bring back the VR room, and let us “use virtual reality” to replay the missions in single player, using the SWFs?

Someone might already have suggested this – if so, sorry about repeating it. There are so many comments on this site that it’s impossible to read them all! :P
